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From Our March, 2018 Edition

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Bob “Begora” Hope and I want to tell you it has been a wild and wacky spring with the McCartys.

How about that new house that Steve and Kristen McCarty have? Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen that many square feet since I saw Amanda Westfall McCarty’s 'before' portfolio from Central Oregon Foot & Ankle. Isn’t that wild?

How about Kelly McCarty taking Margaret McCarty to White Castle for Valentine’s Day. Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone enjoy sliders that much since Justin Verlander. Isn’t that something?

Did you see Larry and Gina visited Michigan in a foot of snow? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen that bad of a trip since John Lennon dropped acid and married Yoko Ono. Isn’t that wild?

How about Steve McCarty and UHY putting together another great Texas Hold’em Event? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen so many people betting on a bad hand since Bob Dole ran for President. Isn’t that something? 

How about Scott Marion going to a comic book show? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen anyone spend that much time looking for a mint condition Wolverine since Jim Harbaugh . Isn’t that wild?

How about Kelly McCarty’s knee replacement surgery in March? Isn’t that wild? His surgeon says that this could be his toughest operation since performing a nipple reduction surgery on John Goodman. Isn’t that something?

How about that Cooper McCarty celebrating his 5th Birthday? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen anyone that happy to be five since Nicklas Lidstrom. Isn’t that wild? 

How about Austin McCarty going to U of M for his Master’s Degree? Isn’t that something? Austin hasn’t spent that much in Ann Arbor since he played Beer Pong at Good Time Charley’s. Isn’t that wild? 

And how about all of those pot holes in Michigan? Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone have that much trouble driving since Rick McCarty bought “The Whistler” driver. Isn’t that something. 

Thank you... I hope you have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!

         You can catch more of Bob Hope's Tweets From Heaven on Twitter @bobhopeinheaven



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