Catch Bob Hope's Tweets From Heaven on Twitter


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Bob “Groundhog” Hope, and I wanna tell you that things have been wild and wacky with the McCartys.

Did you see Mike McCarty is going back to work for the Grand Rapids Press? Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen that short of a retirement since Gary Coleman left Dif’rent Strokes. Isn’t that something?

And how about that Austin McCarty campaigning for Ron Paul? Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen a kid so fond of a crazy old dude since Kelly McCarty used to hang around the Sterling Snooper. Isn’t that wild?

And how about that Mom McCarty’s house being sold? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen a Colonial go that quickly since George Washington got the runs. Isn’t that wild?

Did you see those photos from Hawaii of Evan McCarty paddling on a Surf Board? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen a McCarty navigate through water like that since Kelly and Jerry ran through the Sprinklers on Sussex. Isn’t that wild?

How about Steve, Jerry, Kelly, and Larry McCarty talking to strangers in the “Pure” night club in Las Vegas. Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen brothers make up that many stories since the Brothers Grimm. Isn’t that wild? 

How about that Kelly and Larry winning big money in Vegas playing “Let it Ride”. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen anyone make that much money playing “Let it Ride” since Randy Bachman. Isn’t that wild?

And how about that Kelly McCarty going to Frankenmuth for the Chicken Dinner wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen anyone handle that many breasts since Herman Cain. Isn’t that wild?

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