Lily McCarty was born on March 29, 2011 in Bend, Oregon. Proud
parents, Chris & Amanda McCarty, along with grateful
grandparents Kelly & Margaret McCarty would like to invite
you to a Michigan “Meet The Baby” party on Sunday, Sept. 4,
2011.The outdoor celebration will take place at Kelly &
Margaret's home starting at 1 pm. It will be an informal, casual
dress affair, and kids are welcome. Dinner will be served at 2
pm. |

September 4, 2011
There are 3 easy
ways to RSVP...
out our RSVP form
Call Kelly @ (586) 596-1162
E-Mail your RSVP to reply@mccartymetro.com
RSVP before August 15 so we know how much food, beer, pop, etc.
to buy.
A wedding took
place on Father's Day weekend in Nashville. Lauren McCarty and Aaron
Staggs said their vows on Saturday, June 18th at the
It's a possible
case of renter rage or foreclosure fury in Detroit. The original
McCarty Metro Headquarters at 9323 Sussex was deliberately ripped
apart. The residents moved over the weekend and Monday night
allegedly used a truck and chain to pull off the front porch.
Current Metro editor Kelly McCarty is extremely disappointed by
the trashing of not only the original McCarty Metro HQ, but also
the house that he and his brothers grew up in. While some may find
it amusing, for the neighbors and the neighborhood, it's a big
problem that has to be addressed. "It makes the neighborhood
even worse. Every day it's getting worse. We have six vacant
houses, and this street is terrible," said Marcus Todd.
"The house was going to be foreclosed, but I didn't know they
were going to do it like this," he added. The mess will
probably remain for some time. "I think they're just going to
leave it like this because all the other vacant houses, they
haven't done anything to them," Todd told us. |

Whatta show! Karen and Mike saw Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers play a boffo bluegrass concert Sunday evening, June 26, at Frederik Meijer Gardens. We were down in front, center stage. And we were among 1,900 fans who packed the sold-out amphitheater to see the band do tunes from Steve's first album, "The Crow," and his new album, "Rare Bird Alert." Lots of humor, too. And Martin did a rockin' encore, finally closing with a bluegrass version of "King Tut." "Born in Arizona, moved to Babylonia, King
Tut." Grand Rapids was the third stop on the band's tour, following Midland and Ann Arbor. The band will do a Fourth of July concert on the Washington D.C. mall.
Then it's on to Britain, and back to the States. If you get a chance, Steve Martin and the Steep Canyon Rangers are a must-see.
16th Annual DMGC had 128 paid golfers. Over $30,000 was raised for The Lupus Alliance, MI IN Affiliate thanks to the help of the UHY Team and the McCarty Family:
Congratulations to
the 2011 winners: Team Decker
August 4, 1955 - May 25, 1996
Thank you
for joining us and being part of our celebration of DJ's
life. Not a day goes by that I do not think about my
brother. He was truly a great man, son, and brother.

think about my brother often. Losing someone close
makes you appreciate the small things in life too.
I sometimes feel sorry that he is not here to
enjoy them with me. Whether it is a red wings
game, a good time golf scramble, a bad joke, you
name it, I am disappointed I can't share it with
him. Things like that make me glad that I have a
lot of great memories with DJ. He coached my
baseball team growing up, he helped me in college,
and he mentored me in business. He made me laugh,
he made me think, and he helped make me who I am
today. |
I guess this is just a reminder to spend some time
with those that are important to you, enjoy the
small stuff, tell them thank you for being part of
your life, and share a bad joke with them. Someday
you may look back on those tiny moments, and they
will become some of your
most enjoyable, endearing memories.
Steve McCarty |
Place Team 5A
M. Decker
P. Bonkowski
D. Russel
T. Loriaux
Closest To The Pin #2
Andrew Kirk
Closest To The Pin #6
Paul Hoover |
To The Pin #11
Kevin Pottenger
Closest To The Pin #14
Kris Kuhn
Closest To The Pin #16
Longest Drive #5
Jess Goins
Longest Drive 18
Ryan Shutter |
special thanks to all the sponsors, Chuck Pottenger and
the entire Lupus Alliance, all the golfers who played and
donated to a great cause, Steve & Kristen McCarty, the
wonderful ladies who worked the day of the event to help
make it a great day for all

Paula the Octopus to predict Women's World Cup
During the World Cup in South Africa, Paul the Octopus shot to fame for his psychic match predictions.
But his death in October has left a gap in the market for this year's Women's competition, starting in Germany on Sunday. So step forward Paula.
The tentacled tipster was put through her paces on Friday in Konstanz in southern Germany, but made the shock choice that Canada will win Sunday's opening match against the hosts in Berlin.
The octopus, whose gender is actually unknown, had to choose between two compartments in a plastic box in its tank, one with a Germany flag and one with a Canada one, with each containing a tasty morsel.
Her prediction is a bold one as Germany, whose women are hoping to win their third consecutive World Cup, have never lost any of their previous nine matches to Canada. |

Paula is one of eight salty soothsayers housed at eight different Sea Life
centers in Germany competing to become the official successor to British-born Paul, who lived in an aquarium in
Oberhausen. All eight will be asked to predict the outcome of all Germany's matches in the June 26-July 17 women's competition.
Paul had 100 per cent record in the men's competition, correctly foretelling the outcome of all Germany's games, even a defeat to Serbia in the group stage and to Spain in the semi-finals, as well as Spain's victory in the final.
In the process he cost bookmakers a fortune and won worldwide fame, with rolling news channels in Germany carrying live coverage when he was asked to choose – as they did with Paula on Friday.
Paul died aged nearly three in October, sparking hundreds of messages of condolence from his fan club on social networking website
Facebook, whose ranks have more than tripled since his death to more than 200,000. |
Jack Kevorkian, 83, right to die activist, pulmonary thrombosis.
Andrew Gold, 59, singer-songwriter ("Lonely Boy", "Thank You for Being a Friend"), heart attack.
James Arness, 88, actor (Gunsmoke), natural causes. Jim
Northrup, 71, baseball player (Detroit Tigers), seizure. Clarence
Clemons, 69, saxophonist (E Street Band), complications following a stroke.
Peter Falk, 83, actor (Columbo, It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, The
In-Laws). Don Diamond, 90, actor (Crazy Cat from F Troop).
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