

Dennis Devine grew up on Sussex Street in the 1960s, across the street from the McCarty’s.  Dennis and Kelly McCarty were each other’s first best friends as young kids, often playing baseball at Coyle Park. Dennis and Larry were also friends, and Dennis’s dad, who loved horror films, took Dennis and Jerry to their first M (for Mature) rated movie (starring Vincent Price) when they were pretty young (I’m not inclined to say how young).

When Dennis moved to Los Angeles to attend film school and pursue a career making movies, he ran into Larry McCarty, who also moved to Southern California, and they renewed their friendship. Dennis never made big mainstream movies, but he did have a career making independent films, in the micro budget range (which his very, very, very low). Jerry attended many of Dennis’s premieres and usually had him on his pod cast around Halloween. For sure Jerry and Kelly remembered Dennis as this sort of strange kid who painted monster models in his basement and over inflated the actual number of baseball cards he owned and I (yes this is Dennis) will always be grateful for their friendships!

If any of you would like to view any of my films, there are several streaming.  The one I recommend the most (it is a huge step above most of my films available online) is “Nightmare in Argus.” However, it is R-rated and not family friendly so you may need to watch it late at night?  Or you could check out one of my comedies, “Get the Girl.”

Here is a link to “Nightmare in Argus” on Amazon

Here is a link to “Get the Girl” also on Amazon


The McCarty Metro - 9323 Sussex Avenue - Detroit, Michigan 48228

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