everybody... This is Bob “Summer Breeze” Hope and I want to tell you, ladies and gentlemen, it has a been a wild and wacky month.
How about that Mike McCarty playing guitar on the streets of Holland. Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen a bigger atrocity in Holland since they took Anne Frank. Isn’t that something?
How about that Austin McCarty running a marathon while getting dowsed with paint. Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen paint run like that since Jackson Pollock. Isn’t that wild?

How about Jill McCarty having her Wedding Shower? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen so many women who couldn’t wait to go to a shower since the last Carnival Cruise. Isn’t that wild?
And how about Larry McCarty barely finishing the Pirate Run? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen Larry so close to seeing Davey Jones’ Locker since he tried to sneak into a Monkees’ Reunion. Isn’t that wild?
How about that Dan McCarty Golf Classic coming up in June. Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen so many cheaters kicking balls since the Jerry Springer Show? Isn’t that something?
How about that Megan McCarty getting an 8th Grade Honor Award. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen so many A’s since Fonzie was on Happy Days. Isn’t that wild?
And that Jenna McCarty just had here
first communion. I haven’t seen an 8 year old down that much wine since Drew Barrymore at the E.T. wrap party. Isn’t that wild?
And how about Jerry being stuck in a Chinese airport for 13 hours? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen a McCarty so uncomfortable around a bunch of Wangs since Mike McCarty’s swimming class at MacKenzie High School. Isn’t that wild?
Thank you ladies and gentlemen! Have a great Summer!!