ll, it’s February and you can bet those little McCarty Grandbrats will be going to their Junior High School Dances and listening to some lame DJ playing music off his iPad. Just thinking about those Dorky DJs makes me hotter than Nelly in a Sauna. In the early 80’s when I worked with Brad Savage, we were way better
Disc Jockeys than these losers nowadays.
These Technology Twits nowadays have their iTunes Music all synched up with their flashing LED lights. When WE were DJs we didn’t need that fancy schmancy equipment. All we had was a Record Player with a half dollar taped to the needle so that our warped scratched records wouldn’t skip. And for lights, we had a metal shelving unit from K-Mart that we covered with Christmas Lights and a Bed Sheet. And if you wanted the lights to flash, you just stepped on the frayed electrical cord. Sure if you were sweating you would get a shock like you wouldn’t believe, but we didn’t care, we loved it!
Oh these Dancing Delinquents today love listening to Dub Step music until the cows come home. When Brad Savage was DJing, he didn’t care what the kids wanted and he didn’t care what was appropriate. All he cared about was if it was in the 99 cent record bin at Musicland and he could play it while eating the Chicken he smuggled into the dance. Sure, he once did an entire Dance Contest to Ambrosia’s the Biggest Part of Me, but he didn’t care because it lasted 4 minutes and he finished a KFC Extra Crispy Bucket and we loved it!! |
And today’s Degenerate DJs love to show up with one guy and a computer bag and then they don’t do anything. When Brad Savage and I were DJs at a Junior High it was my job to dance with the ugly girls so they had a good time. Sure those 13 year old girls would go home from the dance smelling like Man Sweat, Fried Chicken, and Aqua Velva, but we didn’t care we loved it!

