Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Bob “Summertime” Hope and I want to tell you that I think it's going to be a wild and wacky summer.

Did you see that Dirk Nowitzki in the NBA Playoffs? Isn’t he something? I haven’t see a Maverick turn around that fast since DJ spun out his car signing a check while driving 70mph. Isn’t that wild?

And how about that Tornado in Joplin, Missouri? Wasnt that something? I haven't seen a deadly wind like that since the McCartys had Egg Salad Sandwiches on Friday Nights. Isn't that wild? 

And how about that about those Navy Seals getting Osama Bin Laden?  Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen a guy take a shot to the head like that since Crayton Ishi walked into the pole in our basement.   Isn’t that something?

And how about the new cocktail being ordered all around America. The alcoholic drink is called a "Bin Laden". Be prepared, because it consists of 2 shots and a splash. Isn't that wild?

And did you see that Saif al-Adel got the job as the new head of Al Queda?  Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen anybody less excited to get a job, since Dan McCarty got a job in the Bazely Market Meat Locker.  Isn’t that wild?

And how about the end of the world on May 21st. Wasn't that something. I wasn't too worried, but at 6pm, the building started shaking. I thought an earthquake, then the rapture, but I found out it was just Austin McCarty playing Dance Dance Revolution on the floor above me. Wasn't that wild?

And speaking of Austin... Congratulations are in order on graduating from Michigan State University. And about the commencement,  I haven't seen a spotlight on that much green since Bob McCarty used to decorate the front door on Sussex for Christmas. Isn't that wild?

And how about the Cockroaches turning 30 years old this month? Isn't that something? I read a cockroach could live a as long as a week without its head because it would eventually die of starvation. I guess Brad and Eric that a cockroach can live forever without talent. Isn't that wild?

And how about that Dan McCarty Golf Classic coming up?  Isn’t that wild? I have anticipated so much cheating since Jesse James, Arnold Swarzenegger, and Tiger Woods went to Hooters. Isn’t that something?

Enjoy the summer, and Good Night Ladies & Gentlemen.


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