Greetings, all! I hope your 2010 is off to a great start. Me? It’s smooth here in GR. My only dilemma is a good one: Both the blues and bluegrass are calling me.
Below is the song I’m polishing on the banjo. Great waltz, great ‘grass-y licks with lots of banjo-y sounds. But I’m having a real good time with the blues on my guitar. I’m especially into Eric Clapton’s “Unplugged” album. I’ve added “Alberta, Alberta,” “Nobody Knows You When You’re Down and Out,” and “San Francisco Bay Blues” to my playlist in past months. I’ve hooked up with a GR drummer for jams and he adds a real bluesy feel to these songs. Now, I just have to merge these two genres. Gotta develop some bluesy sounds on the banjo. |