How about Larry and Gina going to Holland Michigan? Wasn’t that wild? Larry hasn’t seen that many wooden shoes since
Picway’s failed attempt to market a “Pinnochio Line” of shoes. Isn’t that something?
How about Gene
Skladnowski visiting with cousin Kelly McCarty in Michigan. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen two cousins enjoy being together that much since Jerry Lee Lewis’s honeymoon. Isn’t that wild?
How about Larry and Kelly going to the Henry Ford II 40 Year Reunion? Wasn’t that wild? They haven’t had that much
fun in High School since they went to one of Brett Kavanaugh’s high school parties. Isn’t that something?
How about Karen and Mike going to Art Prize in Grand Rapids? Wasn’t that something? Mike received Honorable Mention again for his Painting Series on Popeye meets Fred Flintstone. Isn’t that wild?
Thank you! I hope you
all have a great October and November.... and...