is the 7th year for the McCarty Metro Pigskin
Pickem Challenge. The challenge is open to all,
and is a friendly competition to see who can pick
the most NFL winners throughout the entire NFL
schedule, culminating with the Super Bowl. The
game is very easy... Every Tuesday during the
regular season, I will select 10 games for the
following weekend. Your job is to just pick and
submit the 10 teams you think will win that
weekend before the first game listed kicks off.
be eligible for the playoffs, you must have picked
at least 66% of the games during the season. As
the playoffs begins, each of our contestants will
enter the playoffs with their winning percentage
adjusted to points. Any weeks not played during
the regular season will count as a 5-5 record
toward your playoff points for each week missed,
adjusting your initial playoff starting point
the end of the Super Bowl, the winner will be
announced and declared the 2018 McCarty Metro NFL
Pigskin Pickem Champion! Start
playing today by clicking here!
The 2017 McCarty Metro Film
Contest took place from July 3-9. The event was open to
all. We looked for people to write, act, direct and
produce a short 4 minute or less movie and submit it to
the McCarty Metro during that week in accordance with
rules posted on our website on July 2. We
received 5 videos that were sent out for judging. The
three person judges choice was that "Come Meet The
McNoses" submitted by Mac Daddy Productions was the
winner. The runner up video was "Meet The Flix"
submitted by Jim Matczak. Congratulations to our finalists
and to all our submitters on another job well done.
When the whales wouldn’t come to us, we went to the whales this summer.
Of course, the problem could be that whales don’t really like the fresh water Great Lakes, and there is the issue of getting them past Niagara Falls.
But we had the chance to see some of those whales in July, when a contingent of the McCarty-Rzepka-Chapa clan headed east to spend a week on Cape Ann, where Charles Rzepka, the professor in the family, has a house on the western side of the peninsula.
Brad McCarty, wife Valerie, mother-in-law Laura Bain and daughters Olivia and Gray took over the house, which overlooks an inlet of the Atlantic Ocean and faces New Hampshire. It became the general activity and meeting point for all of us, as well as the place to eat lobster and look for sea glass on the beach.
Kelly and Margaret McCarty, Margaret’s sister Marianne Rzepka, along with cousin Nancy and her husband Lee Chapa set themselves up at the Inn on Cove Hill, a bed and breakfast in nearby Rockport.
Inn proprietors Betsy and Frank were more than hospitable, even allowing Margaret’s brother Chris Rzepka, who was bunking in an
AirBNB in nearby Gloucester to park in the lot next to their historical house.
And Frank told us stories of his days working on his father’s fishing boat (he hated it) and of working for the U.S. Postal Service (he loved it).
On Betsy’s recommendation, several of us headed out on our first rainy day there to a Gloucester restaurant overlooking the harbor. The rain got more intense as we ate our lunch, but we cheered up when we got the bill and found that the food was half price because of the wet weather.
The following day was much nicer, so Chuck and his wife Jane, along with Marianne, Nancy and Lee, visited the Beauport Sleeper-McCann house. Interior designer Henry Sleeper built the 40-room house on the rocky ledge overlooking Gloucester Harbor. (The McCann family later bought the house and left it mostly unchanged.)
The nicest weather was on Wednesday, when some of us headed to Gloucester for an afternoon at sea, looking for those whales. If you’ve seen the movies “The Perfect Storm” or “Manchester-by-the-Sea”, you’ve caught glimpses of Gloucester Harbor.
And Margaret, Marianne, Chuck, Laura, Nancy and Lee ventured out on the waves to look for some whales. Olivia came along too, but was so excited to be out on the boat that she wore herself out in the first hour and spent the rest of the trip fast asleep. She saw not one of the humpback whales we came
One very nice woman who was working the nearby snack counter told us that she would keep an eye on the sleeping Olivia if we wanted to step outside and see the whales. At one point, a customer came to the snack counter, but she told him he’d have to wait because she was busy on her watch.
We were lucky to spot a pod of whales made up of two females, Nile and Firefly, along with Firefly’s unnamed calf. The high point of the trip was when Nile – so named because of a marking that resembled the Egyptian river – crossed under our boat, surfaced about 15
yards away from the starboard side of the boat and, with her massive body under the waves, proceeded to slap her tail against the water.
You know there’s something interesting going on when even the staff on the ship come out to take pictures, and Nile kept up the slapping until all of us – including a few of the crew - had a chance to take as many photos as we liked.
There are various theories about why whales do this. Perhaps they’re knocking barnacles off their tails, or they are sending signals, or they are showing off to a bunch of people on a boat.
In any case, we enjoyed the show, the finale of our trip, and headed back to port.
We spent the rest of our stay with our feet on dry land. Chuck took a small group to see Dogtown, an abandoned settlement with a colorful history on Cape Ann. But much of the time was spent at the beach house, watching the lobster boats, paddling out in kayaks, walking along the breakwater or watching the sunsets.
The inlet is a little small for whales, but a snowy white egret was seen fishing off the rocks and a seal was spotted flopping along the shore until he got himself back into the waves.
And there was one dead seagull that was given a proper burial by Margaret and Chris in the sand below the tide line.
We also seemed to spend a lot of time talking about what we would be eating every day. In fact, the group was split between those who wanted to eat lobster every day, and those of us who thought we should at least have a few vegetables.
if you just drove 12 hours to see whales, you might as
well eat lobsters every day, too. You can eat your
vegetables when you get home.
the lobster in from the bay - - Sunset from the
back porch on the cove - - Chris enjoying some
fresh seafood on Chuck's porch
in the evening on the bay - - Brad and Valerie go
to Cheers - - Relaxing on the porchswing
NOTE: Congratulations Rick on your second
this summer, Larry and Gina McCarty took a
10-day trip with friends Bob & Kim Lopez to
Italy. After flying into Rome, they headed
north by car making stops along the way at Orvieto,
Pienza, Florence, Pisa, Cinque Terre, Portofino,
Genoa, and Rapallo. Wine tasting at a vineyard,
hiking in the mountains, attending cooking school
with a famous local Italian chef, touring
museums, and eating exquisite cuisine were
among some of the highlights of the trip.
The last day and a half were spent in Rome touring
the Vatican, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, The
Coliseum, and eating more delicious Italian food.
It was truly a trip of a lifetime. A good
time was had by all. .
Robert, Kim, Gina
and Larry Went To A Cooking School While In Italy.
The Instructor Was Fausto The Chef
Larry & Gina
Orvieto - - On The Spanish Steps In Rome - - and The
Beautiful Tuscany Landscape
Mike and Karen McCarty drove to the Columbus area in late August to visit Brad Mathers, who was Mike's classmate at George Ford Elementary and Mackenzie High. Two other Mackenzie High classmates, Mike Dakesian and Steve Truman, also drove in for the weekend with their wives, Diana and Pam. The Mackenzie foursome played 18 holes at a Marysville golf course while the women experienced downtown Dublin. We all stopped at a casino, had drinks at Brad's condo, great dinners at local restaurants, with lots of talk about this being the 50th anniversary of the guys' graduation from Mackenzie. All this, and Mike M. birdied a par 3! Really!
Buca di Beppo restaurant in Columbus.
From left, Brad Mathers, Mike and Karen McCarty, Steve Truman, Mike and Diana Dakesian, Pam Truman.
mentioned in previous editions of the McCarty
Metro, Gene's Story is about a man name Eugene
(Gene) Skladnowski, who was given up for adoption
as a baby. In search for his father, using the DNA test, he has come up as a match
as a first cousin to both Jerry McCarty and Kathy
Unti. Since Gene has 2 first cousin matches
on the McCarty side of the family, it is believed
the father may be on of our McCarty uncles.
is really trying to find out who his father is, and is
willing to pay for an DNA test for up
to four first cousins. If any son or daughter of
Uncle Jim's, Uncle Vince's, or Uncle Eddie's
family would be interested in taking the test, you
can coordinate with us here at the Metro, or
better yet, you can contact Gene directly via
email at
On August 21, 2017,
the United States experienced a rare solar eclipse. The path of
the 'total' eclipse went from the west coast to the east coast.
The largest city directly in the total zone was Nashville, and
Larry & Gina celebrated with a pool party. They sent some
photos of the event.
The Brookfields are ready with their glasses - Larry, Gina, and
friends gather around the pool- As it gets dark in the middle of
the day, a quick look at the sun wouldn't
Can't be
too safe?
I was
surprised when my film was developed
It was 50
years ago that we called the house on Sussex our home. It
was the only home I knew until the family moved in 1972. I
always remember it as a nice home, and a great
neighborhood to grow up in. Unfortunately, through
vandalism, and extreme neglect, the home met its' demise
and has become an eyesore. In 2014, I went by the old home
and snapped a photo after a TV news report that the
current tenant had tied a chain through the front windows
and pulled the front off the house after a dispute with
the owner. Margaret and I drove by again just a couple
weeks ago, and the entire home still has no front, and is
overgrown with trees, weeds, and bushes. You can barely
see the house from the street. Neighboring houses look
almost as bad. Although upsetting to see, I will always
cherish fondly the memories of growing up on 9323 Sussex.
Our Sussex Home In 1967 - In
2014 After The Vandalism - In 2017 After 3 More
Years Of Neglect
Here are some of the recent travel destinations from our
other readers.
. Austin
finished his 2 month work in Weisbaden, Germany
Bonnie joined Austin in Germany for two weeks in July
Chris flew from Oregon to Washington DC for a conference
Steve flew out to California for a quick visit with
Larry, Gina, Robert, and Kim spent 10 days in Italy
Margaret, Brad, Valerie, Olivia, Gray, and Laura
traveled to Gloucester, Massachusetts for a vacation.
Did you go on a trip
for work or
vacation? Send us your destination and pictures to
Editor: My wife and I will be celebrating our one year
anniversary and I thought a weekend in Gatlinburg/Pigeon
Forge attending a magic show was the best way to
celebrate. In my research I came across Wonders of Magic
featuring Terry Evanswood. One review caught my
attention: "I would rather spend $20 to watch a hobo
eat a sandwich than see another Terry Evanswood magic
show." Based on this review and a ticket cost of
only $16, I couldn't turn it down. How to you think my new
wife will respond? - Shazam in TN
NOTE: Weee Doggies. Let me say that you sure know how to
treat a gal. Compared to my marriage proposal in a bar
parking lot, and Mike's honeymoon to Mystery Spot, I think
Mrs. Shazam will love it... or maybe she'll have the
magician saw you in half?
Editor: I'm expecting to have some questions for you after
The Great American Solar Eclipse next Monday. I'm
happy to know that this eclipse is occurring prior to your
strict deadline of August 29th. Best Regards, - Wife of
NOTE: Forget what I said in my last answer.
The magician might be able to just make him disappear. If he
can't, I know a guy... Let's just say... he can make people
disappear as well if that helps?
He's very discreet!
Editor: I recently read Bob Hope Tweets From Heaven and
chuckled several times. I've also heard Larry Fine calling
in from heaven on Rick's Martini Bar. Any chance the two
will get together for a special event? -Bored with time on
my hands
NOTE: I'm sure Bob will be thrilled as I never remember him
getting a chuckle from Joey Heatherton.... And on the Larry
Fine question.... You never know what weird things
might happen at Rick's Martini Bar, especially when Rick
starts pouring the cheap stuff!
Editor, I'm loving Guitar 101 and hope to be proficient
enough to play with the Cockroaches some day. On last
month's lesson on Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band, I
noticed the teacher place a capo on the 3rd fret because his
voice could not go as high as the Beatles. My question,
would he not been better off placing the capo on his ball
sack, thus achieving the ability to sing higher? -Future
NOTE: We tried that when Eddie Stein sang 'Bad Bad Leroy
Brown' at the Cockroach 35th Anniversary Concert.
Unfortunately it didn't allow his voice to get any higher,
but I didn't hear any complaints from his wife afterwards!
... And nobody's the wiser!
Editor: Week after week I find myself wanting to write and
ask you a deep, thought-provoking question, yet, I discover
there's nothing I really need to know the answer to. Is it
possible that I have reached the pinnacle point in my great
wealth of wisdom and knowledge where I no longer need questions
answered? Or perhaps, I've gotten so dern old that I don't
care what anyone thinks anymore? -Smarter-Than-You-Think
NOTE: I could possibly ask for a ladder to get to that pinnacle
you speak of, but I'll probably just change the dd to a tt,
and say it's the latter.
appreciate our McCarty Metro readers and always want to hear your questions, comments, rants,
or editorials.
Just submit them anytime during the month to to
for inclusion in the next issue.
For those
that do not speak the language, Le' Food is French for
"The Food"! I would like to encourage our readers to submit their favorite
recipes to the McCarty Metro at
for inclusion in upcoming issues. This month we have some
great dishes for to feed your family.
LEMON BREAD submitted
by Gina
recipe that is delicious and easy to make. Check
out the list of
6 tbsp butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1/2 cup milk
2 tsp grated lemon rind
1 cup fresh blueberries
cup sugar
tbsp lemon juice
Cream butter, gradually add 1 cup sugar, beating at medium speed of electric mixer until well blended. Add eggs, one at
a time, beating well after each. Combine flour, baking powder, salt; add to creamed mixture.
Alternately with the milk – beginning and ending with the dry
mixture. Stir in lemon rind. Gently fold in blueberries.
Pour batter into a greased 8x4x3 inch loaf pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 55 minutes or until
wooden toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.
Combine glaze
ingredients and heat over medium heat in small saucepan until sugar
dissolves and mixture just begins boil. Puncture top of bread in several places with wooden
toothpick and pour lemon juice mixture over warm bread, allowing to
soak into the bread. Cool bread in the pan 30-minutes and
remove to wire rack.
We all
have seen articles in newspapers which we find humorous.
If you see any, please send them to me via email at,
and we will feature them in an upcoming issue of the
McCarty Metro.
Brayden showing why one day
he may be a contestant on "American Ninja
NOTE: Great Job Brayden! No way I could do that!
lost video from last years' 2016 McCarty Metro
Film Movie Trailer Contest just submitted this
past month!
NOTE: Great Job Sara, but I have to mark it down
one full grade for being late :-)
old video of the rock band KISS and their 1975
visit to Cadillac, MI, when Mike McCarty worked
for the Cadillac Evening News. You can see Mike
shaking hands with Gene Simmons at the 1:07 mark.
Martin Landau, 89, actor (Ed Wood, Mission: Impossible, North by Northwest), Oscar winner (1995).
George A. Romero, 77, film director and screenwriter (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead,
Creepshow). Harvey Atkin, 74, actor (Cagney & Lacey, Meatballs, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit).
Chester Bennington, 41, singer and songwriter (Linkin Park, Dead by Sunrise, Stone Temple Pilots).
John Heard, 71, actor (Home Alone, Big, Prison Break).
June Foray, 99, voice actress (The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, Cinderella).
Patti Deutsch, 73, comedian and voice actress (The Smurfs, Match Game, Tattletales). Lee
May, 74, baseball player (Cincinnati Reds, Houston Astros, Baltimore Orioles), heart disease.
Ara Parseghian, 94, football player and coach (University of Notre Dame).
Don Baylor, 68, baseball player (Baltimore Orioles, California Angels) and manager (Colorado Rockies), World Series champion (1987), multiple myeloma.
Ken Kaiser, 72, baseball umpire, American League (1977–1999), complications from diabetes.
Glen Campbell, 81, singer ("Rhinestone Cowboy", "By the Time I Get to Phoenix") and actor (True Grit), Grammy winner (1967, 2015), Alzheimer's disease.
Bryan Murray, 74, hockey coach and general manager (Ottawa Senators, Washington Capitals, Detroit Red Wings), colon cancer. Dick
Gregory, 84, comedian and civil rights activist, heart failure.
Jerry Lewis, 91, comedian (Martin and Lewis), actor (The Nutty Professor) and humanitarian (The Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon).
Jay Thomas, 69, actor (Cheers, Murphy Brown, Love & War) and radio talk show host, Emmy winner (1990,1991). Jud
Heathcote, 90, Hall of Fame basketball coach (Michigan
State Spartans). Rollie Massimino, 82, Hall of Fame basketball coach (Villanova Wildcats, UNLV Runnin' Rebels).
Some horrible
news from the capital of Nigeria... Prince Naharabum was found
dead in his lavish apartment this past month. Authorities also
found in his room 27 billion dollars. Apparently, Naharabum
had been trying to give it away for over 15 years, but no one
would return his emails.