How about Kelly McCarty eating Clams in Massachusetts?
Wasn’t that wild? The people that cleared his plate said they hadn’t seen that many discarded shells since Hurricane Sandy. Isn’t that something?
How about Kelly & Margaret
taking Brad, Valerie, and their kids to the Detroit Zoo. Wasn’t that wild? Kelly hasn’t seen that many Cougars since Happy Hour at the Country Tavern. Isn’t that something?
How about Steve McCarty and his family winning the McCarty Metro Film Contest. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen a disaster on film like that since the Titanic. Isn’t that wild?
How about Mike McCarty singing
karaoke to Elvis’s “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You”. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen that Mike’s sing that low since he played in Jim Pass’s basement? Isn’t that wild?
Also, how about Mike McCarty playing guitar at the Bethlehem Intergenerational Center. Wasn’t that something? That’s the worst thing to happen in Bethlehem since the Three Wise Men got Camel-Jacked. Isn’t that wild?