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Hello! This Bob "Let's March To Spring" Hope, and I wanna tell you, it's been a Wild and Wacky 2014 so far.

How about that Open Bar at the DMGC Poker Tournament? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen that may stewed people without money since they closed the Dinty Moore Factory? Isn’t that something?

And how about the DMGC providing free drinks with gambling? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t heard of a worse idea for a disaster since they allowed smoking on the Hindenberg. Isn’t that wild?

And how about all those Accountant chicks going after Austin McCarty at the Poker Tournament? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen that many hot accountants since the Air Conditioner was on the fritz at H&R Block. Isn’t that wild?

And how bout it taking Kelly & Margaret a day and a half to get from Michigan to Oregon? Isn't that something? Kelly's says he hasn't waited through anything that excruciatingly long since watching the LC Production of "Those Darn McCartys"

And how about that Megan McCarty getting her Varsity Jacket for swimming? Wasn’t that wild? Even though she has been swimming for years, she still has taken less strokes than her dad Steve took at Dunham Hills last year. Isn’t that something?

And how about Kelly and Jerry McCarty singing Karaoke to a Jim Croce song at the Packard Bar. Wasn’t that something? I have heard a more nasally Operator since Lily Tomlin on Laugh-In. Isn’t that wild?

And how about that Amanda McCarty doing the Polar Bar Plunge into Lake St. Clair. Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone shaking that much since Michael J. Fox was twerking. Isn’t that something?

Good night Ladies and Gentlemen and have a Happy March!!


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