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Around the mainstream wrestling circles, "Irish" Mickey Doyle probably isn't a household name. But mention his name in the Detroit area
who remember "Big Time Wrestling" at Cobo Arena, and you'll get the occasional "Oh yeah, I remember him."
A Detroit native who was raised in the eastern suburb of St. Clair Shores, Doyle now resides outside of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and works the afternoon shift for the U.S. Post Office on the docks unloading trucks and driving forklifts.
But it wasn't always like that. Doyle used to be a sound wrestler and toured small promotions alongside big names in the 1970s and 1980s.
Starting out in his wrestling endeavors more than 35 years ago and getting into the business was something he'd "wanted ever since he was a little boy.
"Lou Klein ran a school down in Allen Park (Mich.) and I went there back in 1969," Doyle told SLAM! Wrestling. "My first TV match was in 1970 in Walled Lake against a guy you've probably heard of -- Freddie Blassie. Needless to say, I didn't win. Freddie had just left L.A. and was working some of the territories and he knew The Sheik and he brought him in."
Doyle went through
various promotions around the country. He went solo, and appeared
in tagteams. He was a member of "The American Hippies"
with Mike Boyette, "The Kangaroo's" with Al Costello,
and The Motor City Hitmen with Al Snow. Today, Doyle, who is
57, is yearning for a move back home to the Detroit area with his second wife as a post office employee and hopes it happens sometime soon. He only has two or three years until retirement and wants to do something other than dock work and driving heavy machinery.
"I'm looking to get into the janitor craft," said Doyle. "With that craft, I could still work for the post office and not lose any benefits or seniority if I transfer to Michigan. There's actually an opportunity in Pontiac (Mich.), so I guess we'll see what happens.
"But I'd give anything to come back home. Go Red Wings!"
Hopefully, all McCarty grandbrats, as well as the just plain original brother brats, who visited Ma McCarty's house over Easter knew the traditional rituals for Easter there. But, for those who didn't make it, or for those who need a refresher for next year, here's a short quiz. Check out the answers at the bottom.
1. When you can't find where your Easter basket is hidden, you should first:
A. Shrug your shoulders and take the Sports section to the bathroom.
B. Whine and cry.
C. Claim somebody else's basket as yours.
D. Go the refrigerator, get a pop, drink it till half full, then leave it someplace.
E. Look for plastic eggs, instead.
2. When you find plastic eggs, open them and discover you only got
5 cents and a few jellybeans while another grandbrat got $48.50 and a movie pass, you should:
A. Congratulate the other lad/lass on his/her lucky find.
B. Take the other lad's/lass/s lucky find away from him/her.
C. Whine and cry.
D. Complain to parents who tell you to tell Grandma.
E. Return to looking for your Easter basket, instead.
3. When dying Easter eggs and somebody makes fun of your egg, you should first:
A. Graciously laugh along with the joke.
B. Shake more swirling dye into the water and dip, dip, dip again.
C. Boast to a fellow grandbrat about the time you drank the whole bowl and dyed the inside of your stomach purple.
D. Whine and cry.
ANSWERS: 1. B; 2. C; 3. D
Dateline Shelby Township:
Our congratulations go out to Steve and Kristen McCarty on the birth of their daughter Megan Kelly McCarty. The proud parents traded in their baby shower for the baby baths.
Dateline Macomb:
Mom McCarty is in the market for a double wide refrigerator. No, she isn't expecting a lot of company in the near future, there just isn't enough room on the old ice box for all the pictures of Megan, Dana, Dennis & Achmed, Sara,.....
Dateline Saudi Arabia:
Dennis McCarty is the latest Mc to enter the technology age.
He does request that no religious or off-color humor be sent. If it is, his terminal will be automatically shut down, prompting Dennis to utter those famous words, "Oh my gosh, the computer is wrecked!"
Dateline East Lansing: With the MSU riots behind him, Chris McCarty says that he plans on transferring to Central Michigan University next year. Chris points to 3 main reasons why he wants to transfer.
1. A chance to play Division 1 Basketball
B. CMU offers a fine academic program
3. New cars to flip and start on fire
Oh, I can just picture those rotten McCarty kids and how they must have celebrated Easter. As I think about it, I get more jumpy than Bugs Bunny during Wabbit Season. Those kids are turning what used to be a fun holiday into another day of whining and screaming.
First the little brats don't even dye eggs any more. And if they do, they dye their eggs in that rotten pastel food coloring dye that barely makes the egg turn a color. When I was a kid, we'd spit on a solid colored egg. We used toxic dyes to make our eggs bright and we loved it. Oh, our Mom would put the poisonous dyes in a bowl, blow the color away, and Walah! You'd get a brightly colored egg that you could be proud of! The dye was so strong it would soak right through the shell and stain the albumen. But we ate the eggs anyway because we was happy with what we had!
And these kids' parents don't even know what should be in an Easter Basket. Oh, they'll get cassette tapes, perfume, socks, and whatever else you can find in the checkout lane at K-Mart. When I was a kid, we got a huge Easter Basket loaded with enough sugar to make Raymond Burr climb out of the grave and run the 50 yard dash. We'd chew off the ears of our solid chocolate bunny, then pick its eyes out, and then we'd crack a tooth trying to eat its solid chocolate carcass. With no teeth, all we could eat was those sugary, pink and yellow fiberglass chickees, but we loved it! We ruined our teeth on cheap candy and we was better for it.
And you can bet your butt that my Mom will be hiding a bunch of those money filled plastic eggs for the little grandbrats so they can hunt all over the house to find money. Last year, Kevin found over $400 and Danny's wallet was missing. When I was a kid, all we searched the house for was foiled covered chocolate footballs so that my Mom didn't step on them. Cause if she did, she'd kick the crap out of us.
Well this year, let those little brats ruin their own Easter. While they're whining and playing their stupid games, I'll be sitting at home with my big Easter Basket eating my rabbit ears and picking plastic grass out of my yellow chickees. And I'll be loving it!
Top 10 "Sure Fire" Songs To Sing At The Wellington Pub Karoke
10 Waterloo by Jerry (Jerry swears by it)
9 Any Neil Diamond song by The McCartys (ahhh)
8 Any Jim Gold Song by The McCartys (ok, so he only had one hit, "It's So Nice To Be With You .... sweet darlin")
7 Any Elvis Costello Song by Steve and Jerry (Steve also cusses by it)
6 Hound Dog by Larry "The King" McCarty (since they don't have Rock a Hula)
5 Little Red Riding Hood by Mike (Who's that I see walkin' it these woods? Why, it's Mac with Mr. Microphone!)
4 Shaft by Dennis McCarty (That Shaft is a bad moth.. SHUT YOUR MOUTH)
3 Billy, Don't Be A Hero by Jerry (Who just marches to the song)
2 Stairway To Heaven by Stairway (As long as Stairway dedicates the song to the McCartys)
1 The Night Chicago Died by Brad Savage (Daddy was a cop)
Dick Van Dyke and Mary Tyler Moore are reunited for a special, Dick Van Dyke and the Other Woman, on CBS.
The Rolling Stones make their final appearance on The Ed Sullivan Show
In tonight's episode of I Dream of Jeannie, Jeannie (Barbara Eden) finally becomes Mrs. Anthony Nelson
The Jackson 5 make their national television debut on The Hollywood Palace
The animated special Hey, Hey, Hey, It's Fat Albert, based on Bill Cosby's stand up comedy airs on NBC
Harold Ramis didn't have a face familiar to many Americans, even though he shared a marquee with Bill Murray in "Ghostbusters" and made cameo appearances in other movies. But everyone knows his work — "Animal House." "Caddyshack." "Ghostbusters." "Groundhog Day." "Analyze This." Classic after classic after classic.
Ramis' strength, his passion, was writing and directing. His brilliant work shaped not just the baby boomer generation of comedy but inspired the next ... and the next.
Like Olympians who display consummate skill after years of practice, he made it look easy. It isn't.
"Comedy ... is very difficult," he told the Tribune Magazine in 1983, while he was working on "Ghostbusters." "Even to make a stupid joke work takes a certain kind of intelligence that's not apparent in the content of the joke. In 'Meatballs,' for example, the kids are coming out of mess hall, and you hear Bill (Murray) saying: "Here's an update on today's lunch. It was veal. Veal. The winner of today's mystery-meat competition is Billy Posner, who guessed, 'Some kind of meat.'" Ramis laughed. "Now that is a different way to handle it than just having kids look at their plates and go 'yuck.'"
The late comedian John Candy, who co-starred with Ramis on the landmark 1970s television series SCTV, said: "He taught us a lot of discipline. We were always writing long stage pieces. Harold would come in and just slash, slash, slash. Initially you thought it was something you did. Why does he hate me? But he was always explaining, 'There, this is what's funny right here. Cut right to it.' He always kept saying, 'Just think of yourself watching.'"
Ramis was a driving force on SCTV. One of our favorite scenes: Dr. Sloan, Unnecessary Surgeon.
Sloan to patient: "I'd like to operate to remove your mucus membranes." Later, after the operation, the patient moans: "Doc, doc, I don't want to bother you, but, ah, I feel like my shoulders are gone." Doctor: "Oh yes, I took the liberty of removing your shoulders. Don't worry, though, your health insurance should cover it."
Over the years, Ramis, who died Monday at 69, gathered film accolades and friends, returned to the Chicago area where he grew up, and became a cinematic guru here. The successful Hollywood director who shucked LA because, as he told the Tribune in 1999, it was too much like high school. "Am I popular? Am I cool? Am I in? Who's the in crowd? How do I get into that party? These are not things I ever wanted to worry about. Here I'm so liberated from that."
Chicago was the better for it. You could run into Ramis at a Starbucks in Glencoe or a diner in Northfield. He'd flash that big smile, the hint of subversiveness dancing behind the glasses and arched eyebrows. He felt at home. He was.
Thanks for the laughs, Harold.
Kelly Gets
Sent Through The Rickets In 1967
Since Outlawed By The US As Excessive
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Tintin .
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The Adventures Of Tintin
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Month's Answer:
Doll: Mrs. Beasley - Owner: Buffy Davis