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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Bob “Summer Lovin’ Hope and I want to tell you it has been a wild and wacky summer around the McCarty households.

How about that Brad & Valerie getting married on Mackinac Island? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen a cuter couple on an island since Tom Hanks and Wilson. Isn’t that wild?

And how about Chris, Amanda, Alexa, and Cooper flying from Bend to Portland to Memphis to Detroit. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t see a trip with that many legs since Kelly went to Zhenders for a Chicken Dinner. Isn’t that wild?

How about Steve McCarty stealing the Women’s Restroom sign at the rehearsal dinner? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen people more confused about what Restroom to use since Rupaul passed a kidney stone. Isn’t that something?

How about Mike, Larry, Kelly, Jerry, and Steve McCarty dancing in the Harlem Shake Video? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t enjoyed seeing old people gyrate like that since the last Life-Call re-enactment. Isn’t that wild?

And how about those McCartys Line Dancing on Mackinac? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen so many wrong turns on an Island since Ted Kennedy tried to get off Chappaquiddick. Isn’t that something?

And did you see all those horses on Mackinac Island? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen so many old nags pooping since they served Mexican Food on The View? Isn’t that wild?

Thank you ladies and gentlemen! Have a great Summer!!


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