Hello Ladies and
Gentlemen. This is Bob “Schoolboy” Hope and I want to tell you ladies & gentlemen that I am excited for September, but it has been a wild and wacky summer for the McCartys.

How about that Blimey Cow Film Festival? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen McCartys put out that much garbage since they cleaned out Mom McCarty’s basement. Isn’t that wild?
How about that Jerry McCarty’s leg being in plaster since tearing his Achilles Tendon? Isn’t that wild? Jerry says he hasn’t seen a heavy cast like that since Season 4 of “Facts of Life.” Isn’t that something?
Did you see that Brad Savage Disco photo? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen anything that ridiculous from 1979 since Steve McCarty in his Cowboy Shirt. Isn’t that wild?
How about that Mike McCarty playing guitar and singing outside a bar in Holland, Michigan? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t heard anything that disturbing coming from the streets of Western Michigan since Mike’s last bicycle ride. Isn’t that something?
How about that Ryan and Missy having a Garage Sale? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen that many people fighting over Onesies since the Special Olympics Jacks Tournament. Isn’t that wild?
Did you see that Dana McCarty dyed her hair Blue. Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen a McCarty with Blue Hair since Jerry McCarty got a swirley in a toilet with Ty-D-Bowl. Isn’t that something?
Thank you ladies and gentlemen!