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Let's face it... 2020 left a lot to be desired. One constant through the pandemic and turbulent times has been the McCarty Metro! This is the 16th annual Dudley Awards ballot brought to you by Bradric Productions. Our aim is to acknowledge the best of the McCarty Metro this past year in 2020. The prestigious Dudley Award (right) will be presented to the winners in our March edition. Please take a couple minutes and fill it out. All winners are decided by reader votes. Vote early and often for your favorites. There are 6 categories, plus our annual Lifetime Achievement Award to be considered.

Voting starts now and will continue through Thursday, February 18



1. Best Page Of 2020 (choose up to 4 web pages)

The Best Page category contains entire web pages that appeared in the Metro during 2020.

2020 A Bad Year? - 1 Issue
Belated Confessions / Ray Oyler - 1 Issue
Calendar - 7 Issues
Dateline News - 7 Issues
Final Thought - 7 Issues
Guitar 101 - 7 Issues
Jerry's World - 7 Issues
McQuiz - 6 Issues
Metro Home Page - 7 Issues
Old Haunts Of The McCarty Boys - 5 Issues
Travel - Thailand - 1 Issue
When I Was A Kid - 2 Issues

2. Best Metro Feature or Contest Of 2020 (choose up to 5 features or contests)

The Best Feature or Contest category contains a part of a web page, or an added contest or challenge on the McCarty Metro

Blast From The Past
Brain Teasers On Front Page
Caption Contest
Chat Room - Free Video Chat
Editors Poll
Film Project - 2020 Edition
Le Food - Recipe Corner
McCarty Boob Tube
McCarty Memories
Metro Funnies - Cartoons & Memes
Mr. Stickman On Front Page
Peanut & Jocko
Photo Carousel On Front Page
Pigskin Pickem - 2020 Edition
Sound Off - Letters To The Editor
Trivia Question On Front Page
Who - What - Where The Heck...

3. Best Writer Of 2020 (choose 1)

The Best Writer category gives you the chance to judge who is the best writer of 2020

Kelly McCarty Mike McCarty

4. Best Metro Trip Of 2020 (choose up to 4 trips)

These were the awesome trips taken in 2020 that were logged in the Planes, Trains, and Automobiles sections of the Metro by our subscribers.

Arizona - Amanda & Friends
Cabo, Mexico - Austin & Kristina
Disney World, Florida - Hudsonville McCartys
Florida - Steve, Kristen, Megan & Jenna
France - Larry
Frankenmuth, Michigan Weekend - Brad, Valerie, Olivia & Gray
Grand Hotel, Mackinac Island - Kelly & Margaret
Maryland & New York City - Mike & Karen
Pictured Rocks, Saugatuck, Three Rivers - Kelly & Margaret
Snowboarding in Vail, Colorado - Austin
Thailand - Mike & Karen
Vegas Baby, Vegas - McCarty Boyz

5. Top Metro News Event Of 2020 (choose up to 5 stories)

Lots of News stories that involved Metro family & subscribers throughout 2019. Here are some of your top stories that were reported on in the Metro

13th annual Dan McCarty / UHY Cares Texas Holdem
2020 McCarty Metro Film Contest
Austin Graduates With A Masters From UofM
Birth Of Lacey James Lambert
Christmas McParty
Daycation X3 - Pictured Rocks, Saugatuck, Three Rivers
Get To Know Alexa
How to Cook A Thanksgiving Turkey by Cooper
Kelly & Margaret Report On The Grand Hotel - Mackinac Island
Kevin, Audri, Stephanie & Braxton on the Steve Wilkos Show
Margaret Re-Retires
Mia McCarty breaks both legs in freak accident.
Thailand Trip - Report From Mike & Karen
Vegas Baby, Vegas
Was 2020 The Worst Year Ever?

6. Best Original YouTube Video (choose no more than 6)

Choose your favorite original YouTube video(s) created by our Metro family of subscribers. Each link will open the video in a new window on YouTube, but your ballot will remain open in it's own window.

A Week In Isolation - Kelly & Margaret
Amanda & Larry Christmas - Amanda & Larry
Audri's First Day Of School - Audri & Kevin
Austin's Graduation Parade - Kristina, Austin, Family & Friends
Bad Bad COVID-19 - Mike
Braxton Is A Monkey? - Kevin, Braxton, & Audri
Braxton's Fred Sanford Walk - Braxton
Can You Smell What The COVID-19 Is Cooking? - Mac-O Studios
COVID Impossible - Kevin, Audri, & Braxton
COVID-19 Under Quarantine - Happy Hair Productions
French Video - Steve & Jenna
Gender Reveal - Terry & Anna
Grandmothers Easter Egg Hunt - Gina
Halloween Fright - Jenna
Jenna's First Day Of School - Jenna, Kristen, & Steve
Max's Jump - Max
Mia Gets Released From The Hospital
Mike Playing Craps In Vegas - Mike
My Aim Is True - Rick, Steve, Larry
Redford Quarantine Day 6 - Brad, Valerie, Olivia, Gray
Rick Tees Off At Wyndgate - Rick, Steve
Scary Magic - Kevin, Audri
Superfan Olivia - Olivia, Brad
This Is Happening - Alexa, Cooper
Time Machine - Kevin, Audri
Touchdown Cooper - Cooper
Who Is Taller - Brad, Olivia, Gray
Wipe Out - Jim, Tracy, Bob

7. Lifetime Achievement Award

Write in a person, character, group, article or column that has stood the test of time and deserves the coveted McCarty Metro Lifetime Achievement Award for 2020. Your votes combined with the Metro staff will determine who will receive this prestigious award.


Your Nomination For The McCarty Metro Lifetime Achievement Award, Class Of 2021:




The McCarty Metro - 9323 Sussex Avenue - Detroit, Michigan 48228

© 2021 Bradric Productions

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