How about Megan McCarty being inducted into the MSU Tower Guard? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone that smart and green since Yoda. Isn’t that something?
How about Steve, Kristen, and Jenna going to Disney World for Spring Break? Wasn’t that something? Steve hasn’t been seen in Florida with Goofy since he and Wally Jankowski went to Daytona. Isn’t that wild?
How about Gina and Larry remodeling their bathroom? Wasn’t that wild? Larry hasn’t enjoyed a flush that much since playing Mississippi Stud in Vegas. Isn’t that something?
How about that 3.6 Magnitude Earthquake in Detroit? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen that much shaking in Detroit since Aretha Franklin took a Zumba Class. Isn’t that wild?
I hope you have a great Mother’s
Day, and...