ll, it's February and that means those little McCarty Grandbrats have spent all their Christmas money and now are applying for jobs at the local malls. I can just picture those Pampered Part-Timers now trying to figure out how to get paid for doing nothing. When we were kids, we worked a lot harder than these lazy loafers now.
You can bet some of these Teen-Age Twits will be driving for
Uber, taking people from place to place, and getting paid on their iPhones. When I was a kid, I delivered the Detroit News 365 days a year and had to collect money from every single customer. Those customers would do everything they could to not pay for their newspaper. Sure, when I'd finally catch them they would pull out one of those weird oval-shaped change purses and pay for the paper in nickels and dimes, but I didn't care I loved it! Because once I won a money belt for getting new customers.

And I can picture some of those Adolescent Agitators now getting a job at one of those high
falutin’ stores in the trendy mall. When we were kids, my brother Mike got a job as a stock boy at Farmer Jacks Supermarket. Sure, he had to bag groceries, get shopping carts, set up soda pop displays, and then reset them up after he knocked them over, but he didn't care he loved it!!

And some of those Weekend Workers will be getting jobs in the fast food industry. They'll be working the drive-thru window at McDonalds trying to explain to some 80 year-old guy what is in a Number 2. When I was a kid, my brothers used to help my Dad do Uncle Leroy’s Milk Route on the weekends. They’d have to deliver new milk and take back the empty milk bottles. Sure, they’d be running from the milk truck and yelling “I need a large curd and 2 homos!”, but they didn’t care they loved it!
So, while your Little Laborers are getting $10 an hour to sit in an Air-Conditioned Shopping Mall, you can think of my brothers Mike, Dennis, and Rick pushing a wagon full of Shopping News, or my Brother DJ freezing his fingers off in the Meat Freezer at Bazely’s Market, or my Brother Kelly walking through a muddy field in his JC Penney Quad Suit, or my brother Larry chasing down shoplifters at Pickway Shoes. Oh yeah, and my brother Steve trying to sell a Spatula at Lechter’s Kitchen Store in the Air-Conditioned Mall.

