How about Bob winning $700 in “Let it Ride”? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone from Tennessee that happy to see a flush, since Elvis had 6 Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwiches at
Graceland. Isn’t that wild?
How about Dennis winning $50 at a Wonder Woman slot machine. Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen Dennis get that many spins since he drank a Harvey Wallbanger at
MSU. Isn’t that something?
And how about Mike McCarty and Rick McCarty sharing a room at
Harrah's? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t heard that much snoring since the UHY’s seminar on the new Tax Code. Isn’t that wild?
And how Austin McCarty dressing up with a Boa and Big White 70’s glasses? I haven’t seen anyone enjoy doing Elton John that much since Bernie
Taupin. Isn’t that wild?
Thank you!
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Day, and...