Well it’s May and that means those McCarty Grandbrats will be getting ready for all the new Summer Blockbuster Movies. Just thinking of those movie-going morons makes my butt burn more than when I went to the AMC Theater and sat in some Hot Nacho Cheese. These new movies are nothing compared to what we watched when we were kids.
You can bet those Super Hero Saps will be standing in line for the new Man of Steel Movie. I think it’s gong to Super Suck! When we were kids we had the Black & White Superman TV Show. At the end of every show, George Reeves would stand with arms folded in front of a flag with a fan blowing on him. This even inspired my brother Mike to stand behind curtains with an “S” on his T-Shirt. Sure George Reeves looked less like a body builder and more like my dad in calf length black socks, but we didn’t care we loved it! |

And, how about those Technology Tweets waiting to see all the Special Effects in Iron Man 3D. Ewww! It looks as though he is flying right at us! Fiddle Foey! When we were kids, Iron Man was a crappy cartoon that didn’t even have the technology to make his mouth move with the words. And the only 3-D Movie we had was The Three Stooges 3D Movie that Dennis played on his Super 8 Movie Projector. We had to where red and black glasses to watch Moe throw a pie into the camera. Sure it was in Black & White and only 5 minutes long, but we didn’t care, we loved it!

And you can bet those Driving Derelicts will be all excited about seeing Fast and Furious 6. Let me get this straight, car thieves who are geeked out on steroids and like to drive around fast? When we were growing up, we had the best car chase movie of all time, Smokey and the Bandit. Burt Reynolds didn’t need to wax up on arm butter to drive fast, he just made his mustache extra bushy and walked around with his short wasted jeans. Sure, we had to listen to Jerry Reed singing the same country song on a CB Radio through the whole thing, but we didn’t care we loved it! |
So you go with those Goofy Grandbrats to stand in line for the movies. I’m going over to my brother Mike’s house and take a Super 8 movie of him standing on the window sill in his underpants and black socks waving the curtains. And then we’ll have an old fashioned Summer Blockbuster like we used to!!
Have a Great Summer!