Ladies and Gentlemen. This is Bob
"Springtime" Hope, and I just want to tell
you, it's been a wild time around the McCarty
How about Kelly being nervous about Brad and Valerie’s upcoming wedding on Mackinaw Island? Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone that concerned about the reception on an island, since the Professor on Gilligan’s Island built a radio out of a coconut. Isn’t that something?
How about Jerry flying from LA to Germany to China and then back to LA in April. Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen a McCarty go around the world since Dad took the Basketball hoop on North York Drive back up to 10 feet. Isn’t that wild?

How about that Austin McCarty competing in a Half Marathon. Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen a McCarty go that many miles since Mike McCarty got lost going around the block. Isn’t that wild?
How about Larry and Gina playing Frisbee Golf? Isn’t that wild? That’s the first time Larry has ever finished 9 holes without losing a ball. Isn’t that something?
How about Eric Fisher from CMU being selected in the first round of the NFL Draft. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen Chris and Brad that excited about a draft since they drank Dos Equis on tap in Cancun. Isn’t that wild?
Did you hear Kelly McCarty had another knee surgery. Isn’t that wild? Kelly’s knees haven’t hurt that much since Mom made us say the Rosary during Lent on Sussex. Isn’t that something?
And how about that Mike McCarty playing a concert at the Shelby Crossing Nursing Center? Wasn’t that wild? The residents loved it and filled Mike’s guitar case with gratuities. Included was 43 cents, a Butterscotch Candy with lint on it, and 2 used Depends undergarments. Isn’t that something?
Good night Ladies
and Gentlemen!