Saturday, September 22, the McCartys held a porch party in honor
of Brad and Valerie's engagement. Valerie's parents held a party
in the spring for the engagement, and this event was held for
their Michigan friends. On had we Valeries parents, Ron and Laura,
and brother Stephen and sister Allison who made the trip up from
Columbus, Ohio to celebrate with about 50 friends and relatives.
It was a cool crisp night, but the fireplace, bon fire, and good
converstion warmed the hearts of everyone. Kelly & Margaret
would like to thank all that came or sent their best wishes.
and Valerie are set to be married on June 8, 2013 on Mackinac



The Bains made the trip up for the
party |
Valerie & Brad |
Chris, Amanda, and Alexa
came to Michigan on an early autumn trip. While in Michigan, they were
very busy. They visited the Detroit Zoo, went to South Bend for the
Notre Dame / Michigan football game, got to visit with Grandma McCarty,
and went to Steve & Kristens, and also visited with other family and
friends in the area. It was great to see, and spend time with everyone
Soon Steve McCarty may not be the only McCarty pictured on a billboard. Amanda and Lauren McCarty recently finished a commerical shoot for Adventureworks where film of their ziplining adventures and rope course will be used in television ads and possibly billboards. The television commericals are set to air early October.

. |
Former 'Lost
Cause' guitarist, Mike McCarty, took his one man musical show
to Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids on September 21.
Mike sang the blues in his self written show called "I Can't Face Facebook, I Got the Low-down, Low-tech Blues."
The crowd enjoyed the performance, which benefitted MAJIC,
which raises funds to combat homelessness.
Run Woodstock 26.2 mile marathon took place in Pinckney,
Michigan on September 8, 2012. Austin McCarty, who has competed
in shorter distances, trained for this event as his first
marathon. Austin's goals were to complete the race, and to
average under 10 minutes per mile. It was a perect day to run
with cool temperatures, and for the first half of the
marathon Austin was well on pace of his goal. Unfortunately, at
mile 16, his legs started cramping up, and he labored over the
last 10 miles. Austin completed the 26.2 mile course in 5:45.
Congratulations to Austin on a great job!

Also on the run were Gina Deakins and Larry McCarty
who participated in this year's Run 4 Don, a 5K race honoring Donald Chaffin and in hopes of finding a cure for ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). While Larry is quick to point out both he and Gina finished 2nd for their respective age, official scoring is grouped by decades which placed Larry 18th (41:39) and Gina 7th (42:05) in their respective age division. With a total of 342 runners in this year's event, Larry finished at 159 and Gina at 161. "I could have been a contender", commented Larry, "but we started at the back of the pack and had to pass all those runners." When pressed about the 73 year old man and woman that finished the race before them, Larry speculated they must have been using rascals.


Candy corn has been made with the same recipe by the Jelly Belly Candy Company since around 1900.
What's in that recipe for candy corn, exactly? Sugar, corn syrup, and marshmallow.
One serving of candy corn (about 30 pieces) has 140 calories, the equivalent of three miniature Hershey bars.
More than thirty five million pounds of candy corn were
made last year, amounting to almost 9 billion kernels.



Uhhh... Let's Use The First Shot |
Really??? |
Futuristic Meetings |

Send in your letters via email
or the form below, and I will answer them.
- cmac
I'm sure you are referring to your 10-0 first week in our
second season of NFL Pigskin Pickem. Unfortunately cmac,
your explosion turned into more of a fizzle in week 2.

 Every year I dress up as a hobo. With Political Correctness running amuk, I am getting pressure to change my costume. What should I go as?
not a hobo. I defer to
President Obama, who refers to your costume as "The Middle

As a kid, our mom had us separate our Halloween treats into categories: Bubble Gum, Smarties and Sweet Tarts, Hard Candies, Chocolate, etc. As a result, I now categorize everything. Is this normal?
thought we abolished segregation. Can't the candy just all get
along. Please... I say, do not separate, but incorporate. Have
only 1 category called CANDY! Let the Charleston Chew be in the
same bag as the Laffy Taffy! Allow the licorice and peppermints to
be eaten at the same table.

I'm on pins and needles trying to figure out
what is the best candy to pass out on Halloween. What are
your suggestions?
NOTE: Candy?? What is this candy you speak of, and why are you
giving it out? The kids are asking for a TRICK or treat. I would
go with a simple card trick. Oh... and also get some Mr. Clean to
clean the eggs off your house!

What are your thoughts about couple costumes; such as" Bo Beep and a Sheep or Bonnie & Clyde"? Is this lame?
ED NOTE: Lame?
Yes! However, Halloween is not a time to think about being lame or
cool. Here is a suggestion though... Unscrew the tops of two baby
bottles and tape one to each of your heads and go out as a couple
of boobs.
 I've looked online for the best pumpkin seed recipe, but over 10,000 recipes came up on my search engine. Can you save me some time and just tell me the best pumpkin seed recipe?
ED NOTE: After years of
cutting up my fingers, yanking all the goo out of the
pumpkin, preheating the oven, then burning them, I found
the perfect recipe. Go to the bulk store and use the

Les Moss, 87, baseball player (St. Louis Browns) and manager (Detroit Tigers).
Hal David, 91, lyricist ("Raindrops Keep Fallin' on My Head"), complications from a stroke.
Michael Clarke Duncan, 54, actor (The Green Mile, Armageddon, Kung Fu Panda), complications from a heart attack.
Art Modell, 87, businessman, owner of the Baltimore Ravens, heart failure. Andy
Williams, 84, singer ("Moon River") and entertainer, bladder cancer. |