Nowadays, they have all of these fancy schmancy casts and braces. Ooooh! This is lightweight, fiberglass, and reinforced with titanium. Fiddlefoey!! When I was a kid if you broke a finger my mom would take care of it with a Popsicle Stick and a roll a masking tape. And you didn’t need no fancy painkillers, you just ate the Popsicle. Sure my brother Rick’s fingers look like a bad tinker toy project, but we didn’t care, we loved it!!
And nowadays these doctors love to prescribe fancy medicines that nobody can pronounce. Al-Butual, Ana-Kinral, Fab-Razyme, Feno-Profin, and Flo-Max. It sounds like roll call at Mackenzie High School! When I was a kid, you got a choice of two medicines. You got
Mecurichrome or you got nothing!! My mom would put that Mecuricome on cuts, scrapes, and sunburn. Sure, I had more Mercury in me than a River Rouge Walleye, but I didn’t care, I loved it! |
