I hear Twin Lakes Golf Course preparing for the Dan McCarty Golf Classic coming up in on June 2nd. Isn’t that wild? I have seen anyone so afraid of June, since Ward Cleaver went out drinking with Fred Rutherford. Isn’t that something?
How about that Dan McCarty Texas Holdem tournament in March. Wasn't that something? I won't say there was anyone not playing fairly, but I did see the TV crew from the show "Cheaters" in the parking lot. Isn't that wild?
How about that Alexa McCarty turning 1 this past month. Wasn't that something? I haven't seen Grandpa Kelly travel so far for a
meal since the Sveden House moved a quarter of a mile away into another shopping plaza. Isn't that wild?
And how about that Brad Savage reuniting with Rockin Rob this past month. Wasn't that wild? I haven't
seen a more anticipated reunion since Lawrence Welk hooked up Polka Pete
and the Six Fat Dutchmen here in heaven. Isn't that something?
And how about that Jerry McCarty
going to watch the new 3 Stooges movie. Isn't that something? I haven't seen Jerry that excited to
see a movie about 3 dead guys since he saw
a marathon of Weekend At Bernies parts 1,2, and 3. Isn't that wild?
How about that Mothers Day coming up this month. Isn't that something? I haven't seen that many McCarty boys scrambling to grab a card,
try to write something believeable, and to sign it since the last Dan McCarty Golf Classic. Isn't that wild?
Good night ladies and
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