ll it’s September and that means those little McCarty Grandbrats will be getting ready to go back to school where they will sit around and do nothing. Just thinking about those pathetic pupils burns me more than the Bunsen burners in Mrs. Korinski’s Science Class. School was way better when we were kids.
Those Wimpy Weasels will be all signing the “Anti-Bullying Pledge.” “I hereby promise not to make fun of anybody because of their behavior, appearance, race, or sexual orientation.” Fiddle
Fooey! If anybody signed that when I was a kid, they’d of got an Atomic
Wedgie. Back then, if somebody was different we made fun of them until they knocked it off. Sure I ended up getting Swirlies and Wedgies, but we didn’t care, We loved it. Because we were just happy there was no poop in the toilet.
And these Stylish Students nowadays like to dye their hair “Blue”, so they can show their “individuality.” When I was a kid, I spent 4 years trying to blend in with all the other loser kids. The last thing we wanted was to stand out. The only time I ever had blue hair was when they used Tidy-Bowl before a
Swirlie. Sure nobody was special, but we didn’t care, we loved it!! Cause it meant everybody was special.


And these Classroom Klutzes will all be taking these meaningless elective courses like Internet, Computer Graphics, and Video Production. When we were kids, we had real electives like Auto Shop, Metal Shop, and Wood Shop. The only thing we learned was how to operate a heavy machine after huffing Linseed Oil. Sure there was blood all over the Band Saw, but we didn’t care, We love it!! Because we were happy with what we had!
So you put your wimpy kid into these happy public school classes where everybody gets along. But as for me, I’m putting my kids in a special “Old Fashioned School”, where we teach kids the way things used to be. We’re gonna take shop classes, make fun of kids that are different, and give swirleys to anybody that doesn’t like it. Oh yeah, and I’m putting Purple Tidy-Bowl in the toilets! Have a great school year!!
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