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THE 2010
Dan McCarty
Golf Classic
Benefitting The Michigan
Lupus Alliance
Saturday, June
5, 2010
Twin Lakes Golf Course
To Register, Call 1-800-705-6677
or Go Online to The
Lupus Website
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Jerry McCarty is
petitioning the Santa Clarita parks administration to add more
restrooms to the local dog park. As you can see by the photo
the the right, the long waiting lines are causing problems.
Gull Lake XVI is scheduled for May 12-14. It will mark the
first event in its' history to take place without a McCarty in
the starting field. Due to health reasons, Kelly McCarty will
be foregoing the event. Steve McCarty has other commitments,
and Chris McCarty opted to play 2 weeks earlier in the
Kresbaugh Open and cannot make a second trip in. Frank Merriam
graciously says that he is disappointed but understands.
"Sounds like Kelly's health is the concern and taking care of that is the most important thing
for him and his family." He adds that he would have liked to see all who have participated in the
past attend this one as a "Farwell Tour". Not as eloquent with
the words is Mike Wiacek, who just issued this statement,
"Kelly killed Gull Lake!"

What better way to enjoy time with your mother but to take her
to a dirty movie. Mike McCarty and wife Karen visited mom and
took her to see Hot Tub Time Machine. The movie was so raunchy
that the three of them walked out mid-movie. Mike insists that
it wasn't the fault of the theater so they didn't ask for their
money back. However, he did promise to treat Mom to a more
"family" oriened film at the same theater next month.
They will either take in the showing of "Sleeping
Booty", "Sleeping With Seattle", or
"The Loin King"
We are happy to share great news with everyone. In February, the office submitted funding requests totaling $650,000 to the offices of Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks-Kilpatrick and Representative John Conyers. The funding, if approved, would build the “Lupus Cooperative for Metro Detroit”. It is an effort to help economically disadvantaged people most at risk for acquiring lupus access early detection and treatment. If diagnosed with lupus we would then help them with job training skills so they can attain insurance or assist them in finding resources to help with medications and future treatment.

Our appropriation requests were advanced by Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatick and
Congressman John Conyers. We are asking you to personalize the attached letters and mail then on your business or personal letterhead to the addresses provided. We also ask that you please forward this to all your friends, business associates, family members etc. asking them to help us raise the awareness regarding this appropriation request.
This means so much to those struggling with lupus and those who spent years awaiting an accurate diagnosis. We have taken our issue to DC to be heard and we need your support to keep it on the minds of those that represent us. Thanks in advance for your help.
It is the best $.88 cents you will spend supporting us this year!
On the weekend
before St. Patrick's Day, the Clinton Township McCartys hooked
up with the Bend, Oregon McCartys in the Windy City. Lots was
happening in the city, and although the weather could have
been much better, everyone had a great time.

Amanda, Margaret, Chris, & Kelly |

Two of our side trips were the Willis (Sears) Tower... |

...And the Navy Pier |
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Margaret & Kelly from the top of the Sears Tower |

On Saturday, they dyed the river Green |
the NHL playoffs in full swing, and the sticks are getting a
little higher, Commissioner Gary Bettman released this
schedule of events which all players are held to before
suspensions in the playoffs.


A thief broke into the Detroit Medical Center and stole all
the toilets and urinals, leaving no clues. Security
spokesperson Rick McCarty was quoted as saying, "We have absolutely
nothing to go on."
Austin McCarty while taking a class in anthropology at MSU was cataloging South American
folk remedies with the assistance of his professor who
indicated that the leaves of a particular fern were a sure
cure for any case of constipation. When the Austin expressed his doubts, the
professor looked him in
the eye and said, "Let me tell you Austin, with fronds like
these, you don't need enemas."
Mike McCarty rushed into his Doctor's office on April Fools
Day and shouted,
"Doctor! I think I'm shrinking!" The
doctor calmly responded, "Now, settle down Mike.
You'll just have to be a little patient."
The United States Border Patrol is asking citizens to keep on the lookout for a red 1951 Chevy that they suspect is being used to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border from Mexico and into points along the
US border.
If you see the vehicle pictured below and have reason to believe that it is the suspect vehicle, you are urged to contact
the local police or the US Border Patrol.

The American Medical Association has
finally weighed in on President Obama's new health care plan.

- The Allergists voted to scratch it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.
- The Gastroenterologists had sort of a gut feeling about it but the Neurologists thought the Administration had a lot of nerve.
- The Obstetricians feel they were all laboring under a misconception. Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted.
- Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" And the Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up."
- The Psychiatrists thought the whole idea was madness, while the Radiologists could see right through it.
- Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing.
- The Internists thought it was a bitter pill to swallow, and
Plastic Surgeons say "This puts a whole new face on the matter."
- The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were pissed off at the idea.
- The Anesthesiologists thought the whole idea was a gas and the Cardiologists didn't have the heart to say no.
- In the end, the Proctologists won out, leaving the entire decision up to the
butt holes in Washington.
1. You Avoid the Water Cooler
Research shows that the fewer human connections we have at home, at work, and in the community, the likelier we are to get sick, flood our brains with anxiety-causing chemicals, and live shorter lives than our more sociable peers. In one study, researchers who monitored 276 people between the ages of 18 and 55 found that those who had 6 or more connections were 4 times better at fighting off the viruses that cause colds than those with fewer friends.
Don't let a jam-packed workday or hectic schedule get in the way of your friendships. Stop by a co-worker's office for a quick Monday morning catch-up, or e-mail/text your friends at night to stay in touch when you're too busy for phone calls.
2. You Often Feel Tired |
Scrimping on sleep has a powerfully detrimental effect on immunity.
An example: college students who get sick after pulling all
nighters cramming for exams. Poor sleep is associated with lower immune system function and reduced numbers of killer cells that fight germs. In fact, University of Chicago researchers found that men who had slept only 4 hours a night for
a week produced half the amount of flu-fighting antibodies in their blood
compared with those who slept 7 1/2 - 8 1/2 hours. Most adults need between 7-9 hours of uninterrupted rest every night, but how you feel in the morning and throughout the day may be a better gauge. If you're tired when you wake up in the morning, you're not getting enough—sleep, or maybe not enough quality sleep.
3. You Act Like Debbie Downer
Studies show that glass-half-empty types don't live as long as those who look on the bright side.
When pessimists put a more positive spin on the calamities in their lives, they have less stress and better health. A classic UCLA study found that law students who began their first semester optimistic about the experience had more helper T cells mid semester, which can amplify the immune response, and more powerful natural killer cells, than students who had a more pessimistic perspective. One reason could be that optimists take better care of themselves. It could also be due to less stress-related damage to the immune system, such as killer cells that suddenly become pacifists.
Personality is tough to change, look for reasons to feel lucky. Sounds hokey, but try striking up a dinner table conversation with your family where you all share a couple of good things that happened every day.
4. You Bottle Up Your Moods
A constructive argument with your spouse can actually increase immunity, say UCLA researchers.
They asked 41 happy couples to discuss a problem in their marriage for 15 minutes. The researchers detected surges in blood pressure, heart rate, and immune-related white blood cells, all of which were similar to the benefits seen with moderate exercise. But you still have to play nice: Couples who frequently use sarcasm, insults, and put-downs have fewer virus-fighting natural killer cells, have higher levels of stress hormones, and take up to 40% longer to recover from injuries than those who manage to stay positive and affectionate during their quarrels.
Don't keep what's bothering you bottled up. People with type D personalities—those who keep their opinions and emotions hidden—have killer T cells that are less active than those found in more expressive peers.
5. You're Under the Gun
Chronic stress, the day-after-day kind you experience over job insecurity or a sick
relative, takes a toll on many aspects of your health, including immunity.
There is compelling scientific evidence that this kind of stress (as opposed to the
kind from a bad day at work or a screaming match with your kid) causes a measurable decline in the immune system's ability to fight disease. Periods of extreme stress can result in a lower natural killer cell count, sluggish killer T cells, and diminished macrophage activity that can amplify the immune response. In fact, widows and widowers are much more likely to get sick during the first year after their spouse dies than their peers who have not experienced a major loss. We're not going to tell you to take a bath or light a scented candle (unless those really help you relax, that is!). Do find go-to, healthy stress relievers that can take the edge off—be it a long run on the treadmill, a relaxing yoga class, or baking dessert just for fun. The important thing is that you unwind and recover from stress, since it's often hard to avoid in the first place. |

6. You Don't Stash Pens in Your Purse
Having your own supply of plastic ballpoints might just keep you from picking up a virus.
Cold and flu germs are easily passed through hand-to-hand contact, says Neil
Schachter, MD, a professor of pulmonary medicine and author of The Good Doctor's Guide to Colds and Flu. Any way you can avoid touching public
objects, such as the communal pen at the bank, will cut your risk. "When you get up in the morning, don't leave the house without a pen in your pocket or your purse," Schachter suggests. "Take your own wherever you go, and use it instead of the doctor’s, the delivery guy’s, or the restaurant waiter’s"
7. You Drive Everywhere
One in four American women doesn't exercise at all—and that's an easy way to set yourself up for sickness.
When researchers compared inactive people with those who walked briskly almost every day, they found that who didn't walk took twice as many sick days in 4 months as those who strolled regularly.
Experts say that it takes a 30 minutes of aerobic exercise, a brisk walk
counts, to sweep white blood cells back into circulation, making your immune system run more smoothly.
A friend who is a receptionist in a church in a high risk area was concerned about someone coming into the office on Monday to rob them when they were counting the collection. She asked the local police department about using pepper spray and they recommended to her that she get a can of wasp spray instead. |

The wasp spray, they told her, can shoot up to twenty feet away and is a lot more accurate, while with the pepper spray, they have to get too close to you and could overpower you. The wasp spray temporarily blinds an attacker until they get to the hospital for an antidote. She keeps a can on her desk in the office and it doesn't attract attention from people like a can of pepper spray would. She also keeps one nearby at home for home protection. Thought this was interesting and might be of use.
On the heels of a break in and beating that left an elderly woman in Toledo dead, self defense experts have a tip that could save your life.
Val Glinka teaches self-defense to students at Sylvania Southview High School . For decades, he's suggested putting a can of wasp and hornet spray near your door or bed.
Glinka says, "This is better than anything I can teach them." Glinka considers it inexpensive, easy to find, and more effective than mace or pepper spray. The cans typically shoot 20 to 30 feet; so if someone tries to break into your home, Glinka says "spray the culprit in the eyes". It's a tip he's given to students for decades.
It's also one he wants everyone to hear. If you're looking for protection, Glinka says look to the spray. "That's going to give you a chance to call the police; maybe get out." Maybe even save a life.
Please share this with all the people in your
life and tell them you saw it in the McCarty Metro. |
8. Your Friends Smoke
We don't need to tell you that puffing ciggies is terrible for the entire body. But the secondhand kind is almost as harmful.
Each year, because of exposure to tobacco smoke, an estimated 3,000 nonsmoking Americans die of lung cancer and 300,000 children suffer from lower respiratory-tract infections. Secondhand smoke can trigger an asthma attack and aggravate symptoms in people with allergies. In addition, tobacco smoke has been shown to make asthma worse in preschool children and may even cause it.
Sounds obvious, but avoid secondhand smoke as much as you can,
including spending time with people while they smoke. Encourage anyone in your everyday life (husband, coworkers or neighbor friends) to quit.
9. You Always Reach for Antibiotics
Taking antibiotics at the first sign of a sniffle can make you resistant to these drugs over time, causing more serious infections.
Researchers found that certain patients taking antibiotics had reduced levels of cytokines, the hormone messengers of the immune system. When your immune system is suppressed, you're more likely to develop resistant bacteria or become sick in the future.
Take antibiotics only for bacterial infections, use them right away, and take the entire course. Don't use antibiotics preventively unless prescribed by your doctor, and don't save or share unfinished courses.
10. You're Little Miss Serious
Consider this a doctor's note to troll YouTube on your lunch break. Researchers have found that the positive emotions associated with laughter decrease stress hormones and increase certain immune cells while activating others. In a study conducted at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, healthy adults who watched a funny video for an hour had significant increases in immune system activity.
Laugh more. You know how: Watch your favorite comedies, have lunch with a pal known for her funny bone, and read those silly forwards from friends before you auto-click "delete." |
- SUBTLE CAR BREAK-IN I drove myself and two co-workers to lunch Monday,
March, 15, I chose a parking spot in the rear of the lot and backed into a space (no pull through available at location). This positioned my Chevy Avalanche with the passenger side doors facing away from the rest of the lot and to the end of the lot. I had a Sony digital camera lying on the console of my truck. Upon returning from lunch and entering the vehicle we noticed nothing wrong or missing from the vehicle.
Tuesday around lunch time I needed the camera and could not locate it. My first thoughts were, "I moved it or it fell to the floor mat or I removed it from my truck." After searching feverishly for two days, questioning anyone who had been close to my truck, and exhausting every possible location I could have put it, I began to have that sinking feeling I lost it or someone stole it. My new Garmin GPS had been in the truck the whole time, so I felt as if someone had entered my vehicle they would have taken it also.
Fast forward to Wednesday, I approached my truck from the passenger side to place my computer bag (aka my man purse) in the front passenger seat. As I reached to open the door I noticed there was a hole right under my door handle. My first thought was, "someone has shot my truck !" I began to think about it and inspect it a little closer and the "light" slowly began to come on. I phoned my friend who owns a body shop and asked if he had any vehicles with damage to the doors that looked like a bullet hole. "Yes, I see it all the time. Thieves have a punch and place it right under the door handle, knock a hole through, reach in and unlock it, just as if they have a key. No alarms, broken glass or anything.
I then placed a call to my insurance agent, who is also a friend, and explained it to him. I proceeded to tell him the situation and how I was puzzled that they left my GPS and all other belongings. Here is where it gets scary ! "Oh no, he said, they want the break-in to be so subtle that you don't even realize it. They look at your GPS to see where "home" is. Now they know what you drive, go to your home, and if your vehicle isn't there they assume you aren't and break in your home." He says they will even leave a purse or wallet and only take one or two credit cards. By the time you realize there has been a theft, they may have already had a couple days or more to use them. This is another reason they want the break-in to go unnoticed. I didn't realize my situation for two full days! They even give you the courtesy of re-locking your doors for you. I guess they don't want it to be broken into by other thieves!
Had they have found your check book, they could have taken checks from the middle section so they wouldn't be noticed. |

Please remove from your GPS unit your home address as "home" ASAP ! Put in your local Wal-Mart address or some where else! Park your vehicle in a highly visible place. I positioned mine perfectly for them and didn't realize it until it was too late. I hope this is beneficial to you and helps you keep your valuables in your possession and your vehicle from damage. Most importantly, it may keep the thieves from showing up at your home ! DO NOT LEAVE VALUABLES IN SIGHT INSIDE THE CAR. And,
periodically walk around your car, daily if you are in a shopping center or other parking area. Report thefts immediately....your bank w/missing check numbers, your credit card agencies, police, and insurance companies, etc.
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IN MARCH, 2010 |
Angelo Poffo, 84, professional
wrestler and father of Macho Man Randy Savage & Leaping Lanny
Poffo. Nan Martin, 82, actress (Mrs. Louter on The Drew Carey Show), emphysema.
Willie Davis, 69, baseball player (Los Angeles Dodgers), natural causes.
Corey Haim, 38, actor (The Lost Boys, License to Drive), suspected drug overdose.
Merlin Olsen, 69, football player (Los Angeles Rams) and actor (Little House on the Prairie, Father Murphy), mesothelioma.
John Hill, 68, professional wrestler (The
Stomper), Alzheimer's disease. Peter Graves, 83, actor (Mission: Impossible, Airplane!), heart attack.
Fess Parker, 85, actor (Davy Crockett, Daniel Boone), natural causes.
Robert Culp, 79, actor (I Spy, Everybody Loves Raymond), fall.
IN APRIL, 2010 |
John Forsythe, 92, actor (Charlie's Angels, Dynasty), complications of pneumonia.
Mike Cuellar, 72, Cy Young Award winning baseball player (Baltimore Orioles), stomach cancer.
Dixie Carter, 70, actress (Designing Women, Diff'rent Strokes), endometrial cancer.
Mel Ravitz, 86, a former Detroit City Council president, brain aneurysm.

Genevieve Teresa Pickney, age 87, of Adrian, Michigan died Sunday, March
28, surrounded by her loving family.
She was born Jan. 5, 1923, in Shamokin, Pa., to Stanley A. and Bertha (Varajsa) Romanoski. She served in the U.S. Air Force during World War II. On Jan. 1, 1947, she married Millard Pickney and he preceded her in death on Sept. 10, 2004. Genevieve was a loving mother, grandmother and great-grandmother who enjoyed her family. She was a member of the First Christian Church.
She is survived by two sons, Millard (Charlotte) Pickney of Sterling Heights, Mich., and Michael (Katherine) Pickney of Adrian; two daughters, Charlotte (Gary) Owen of Adrian and Cheryl (Dorothy Goodell) Pickney of Adrian; brother, Anthony Romanoski of Hersey, Pa.; a sister, Eleanor Burkhour of Manville, N.J.; grandchildren Christine Oesch, Michelle Earley, Jennifer Heeres, Lisa Moore, Nathan Owen, Matthew Owen, Thomas Goodell, Laura Pickney, Beth McCary and Emily Pickney; and nine
great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband; two brothers, Stanley and Martin Romanoski; and two sisters, Vince Gamble and Agnes
Gummel. A McCarty Metro subscriber and son of Genevieve, Millard
says that the last week had been a time of joyful remembrance. Many stories created laughter while others tugged at our hearts.
Thomas Campbell said “To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die.” I can safely say that
my Mom still lives today within our hearts.
West Palm Beach is being overrun by squirrels. Recently, in the central city area, 5 different houses of religion had to make some "Godly" decisions in dealing with the infestation. St. John's Presbyterian Church called a meeting to decide what to do about the squirrels in their church. After much prayer and consideration they determined that the squirrels were pre-destined to be there and they shouldn't interfere with God's divine will. At
Center Baptist Church, the squirrels had taken up habitation in the
baptistery. The deacons met and decided to put a cover on the baptistery and drown the squirrels in it. The squirrels escaped somehow and there were twice as many there the next week. St. Peter's Methodist Church got together and decided that they were not in a position to harm any of God's creation. So, they humanely trapped the squirrels and set them free a few miles outside of town.
3 days later, the squirrels were back. But, Our Lady Gate Of Heaven Catholic Church came up with the best and most effective
solution. They baptized the squirrels and registered them as members of the church. Now they only see them on
Christmas and Easter. Not much was heard about the Jewish Synagogue, but they took one squirrel and had a short service with him called circumcision and they haven't seen a squirrel on the property since. |

For all who appreciate the outdoors, this is the rarely photographed
South West Florida Jewish Squirrel.