it’s March and that means those little McCarty
Grandbrats will be going to all of these new teeny bopper
concerts. Oh,
they will see Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, and the Demi
Lovato. Just
thinking of those Tone Deaf Teenagers makes me want to
scream louder than their pre-recorded vocal track that
they move their lips to.
When we were kids we had better concerts, in better
places, and had way more fun than these kids nowadays.
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Concert-going Cuckoos will be going to these concerts in
Family-Friendly Arenas with comfy seats, handicapped
bathrooms, and moving sidewalks.
In 1975, me and my brother Kelly went to see
“KISS” at Olympia Stadium in
. That
place was dirty, falling apart, and when you went to the
bathroom, people were lined up peeing in the sinks.
Our seats were in the upper level in uncomfortable
fold down metal seats that had about as much leg room as
Dorf’s golf cart. Sure
when you reached to the floor to get your drink, you’d
bang your head on the metal bar in front of you, but we
didn’t care we loved it!!
Because we were at a concert!! |

And those Suburban Saps will be going through metal
detectors and getting searched by uniform security
personnel to make sure the concert is a drug free
environment. When we
went to that concert at
there were so many drugs you couldn’t count ‘em.
People brought Frisbees, Beach Balls, Boomerangs,
and Bongs. We sat in
a cloud of Marijuana smoke with about 200 Stoners passing
the same joint. Sure
Kelly thought the roach clip was a tweezers and pulled out
a nose hair and then passed it on, but we didn’t care we
loved it! Because it
was KISS!!
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And you can bet
those Technology Twits will be looking at all the special
electronic effects with Video Screens, CGI, and Lasers.
Fiddle Fooey! When
we went to the KISS Concert, everything was real.
Peter Cris’s Drum Kit Exploding, Ace Frehley’s
Guitar Starting on Fire, and Gene Simmons Spitting Blood
and Fire. Sure
from where we sitting it looked like an ant burning in a
magnifying glass but we didn’t care, we loved it!
Because it was KISS !! |
So you go to your Jonas Brothers’ Concert and while your
enjoying a Smoothie and a Promise Ring, me and Kelly are
going to the KISS Reunion Tour.
Were gonna get seats way up in the rafters and
watch Gene Simmons spit fire and break his hip!
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