Dear Editor. I liked the report on Butters the kitten
from last month. How is Butters, aka Mittens, aka What
Did You Do Now You Stupid Sh*t doing now? -Brad
ED NOTE: He's just thirsty!
Dear Editor. Is it true that mother nature is not
suffering from global warming, she's suffering from
global menopause? -Gwenda
ED NOTE: I'm not sure, but I do know that father
nature has been walking around on egg shells when mother
nature is in the room.

Dear Editor. Is there any truth to the rumor that after being booted out of
The Cockroaches; Lake Speed, aka Larry McCarty went on to record
as Larry
McCarty & Wang Dang Doodle Band? Just curious, -Rockin'
Rob Binge
ED NOTE: Now it makes sense. Larry actually got kicked out
after he went to his kids career day at school and said he was
going to show some pictures of his Wang Dang Doodle. The Principal and I
had no idea it was a band. Sorry Lar, and sorry for getting the
authorities involved.
Dear Editor. Thank for putting that beautiful picture of the 4
McCarty Boys in the bathtub. It is very touching and reminds me of
a simpler time. I printed that picture out and put in my bathroom
right over the tub. Please include more of these type of photos.
-Michael Jackson
ED NOTE: Michael, Michael, Michael. You are getting yourself
into more trouble. The sad part is that you could have avoided all
these scandals if you just stuck to grabbing your own crotch.
Dear Editor. Y’all might want
to save yourself some embarrassment and give me your money now.
My rip….. er knock off Ping G10s are in production and will
arrive just in time to hit the range and fine tune my game in
preparation for the pain and humiliation that I intend on
raining upon you, and the sorry excuse you call a golf game.
GAME ON!!!! -Jerome
ED NOTE: I actually stopped reading your letter after Y'all.
I only have three questions for you. When did you move to
Tennessee anyway? Did your letter have anything important in it?
Would you say hello to my brother Larry for me if you run into
him down there?