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Hello Ladies and Gentleman. This is Bob “Halloween” Hope here wishing all of you a Happy Halloween. It’s been a wild and wacky month.

How about Jerry McCarty getting an Autographed copy of Mike McCarty’s Book, “Michael, Michael, Michael”? Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen anyone have that much fun with pages since Bill Clinton. Isn’t that something?

And how about Ryan and Missy going to South Bend, to see Notre Dame beat MSU? Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen Ryan that sick over the Irish since he drank a fifth of Jameson’s before a Dropkick Murphy’s Concert. Isn’t that wild?

And how about that McCarty Metro Pigskin Pick’em Football Challenge. Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen that much bad picking since Mike McCarty played the Banjo in Holland. Isn’t that something?

How about that Jerry McCarty crashing his bicycle into a fence. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen that anybody with his fork bent that bad since Yuri Gellar. Isn’t that wild?

And how about those California McCarty’s showing the Movie “Sharknado” on their Driveway. Wasn’t that wild? I haven’t seen kids that afraid of Great Whites, since Brad Savage played “Once Bitten Twice Shy” at Algonquin Junior High. Isn’t that something?

And how about Dennis McCarty doing research to find out our Grandfather McCarty was born in Ontario. Wasn’t that something? I haven’t seen a Canadian come to the U.S. for an American Woman since The Guess Who? Isn’t that wild?

Good Night Ladies & Gentlemen!


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