

ED NOTE: This is a page dedicated to the memory of Jerry. His favorite expression was 'When I Was A Kid!'
Enjoy looking back into your childhood, and also submit your own memories to mccartymetro@gmail.com.

“What Are You Thankful For?”

This is one of those questions you might encounter at the dining room table on Thanksgiving.

Be prepared, because, if you are a kid, you might have to field this question from your folks. And if you refuse to answer, the grownups may add this: “Nobody is eating Thanksgiving dinner until everyone says what he or she is thankful for.”

So, unless you want to gamble on cold turkey and frosty stuffing—or nothing—you had better come prepared with an answer. It does not have be long-winded. Just short and to the point.

Remember, the McCarty boys always came prepared to express their gratitude at any time.

For example, long ago, when a gift arrived in the mail, our mother would call us to the phone to make our obligatory call-o-thanks. Each boy memorized the same line:

“Hello, Aunt (name here), thanks for the gift. Here’s my mom.”

Then we gave the phone back to Mom and that was that.

Happy Thanksgiving!



This is a genuine ad from 1964 when WD40 was first released. If you don't read anything else in the McCarty Metro, this one just might make you laugh out loud!




All of our readers are different ages. My kids have no clue things I remember. What we want you to do is finish this sentence...

I'm So Old, I Remember...


Your responses will be printed in our next issue

Your Name:

Last month's question...

What Was Your Favorite Music Show?

The response with the most votes was...

If you have a submission, or idea for "When I Was A Kid",
please submit it to mccartymetro@gmail.com