1. On North York Drive, whose dog bit Jerry while he was collecting for his
Detroit News route?
(A) Smynlycky (B) Poole (C) Graf (D)
2. What was the name of the elementary school we played at when we lived on North York Drive?
(A) Dresden (B) Ebeling (C) Graebner (D)
3. On North York Drive, Bozo from across the street worked for what company?
( we got freebies)
(A) Coney Island (B) Tuff Kote
(C) Mayco Plastics
(D) Ben Franklin
4. What was the name of the red-haired girl who lived behind us when we lived on North York?
(A) Donna (B) Valerie (C) Diane (D)
5. On North York, name the family that moved onto Oleander and also lived on Coyle in Detroit?
(A) Webb (B) Gall (C) Murphy (D)
Bender |

6. On Goldridge Lane, what was the
actual name of the subdivision that we lived in?
(A) Tilch (B) Valerie (C) Spruce (D)

7. What was the name of the elementary school we played at when we lived on Goldridge Lane?
(A) Bemis (B) Ebeling (C) Magahay
(D) Disney
8. On Goldridge, what was the nickname of the guy behind us with the fireworks?
(A) Toes (B) Thumbs (C) Fingers
(D) 4 Eyes
9. What vegetable would the Yugos bring over to Mom in bulk on Goldridge Lane?
(A) Peppers (B) Tomatoes (C) Carrots
(D) Cucumbers |
10. On
Goldridge Lane, what were the first names of the couple next
door, opposite Yugos?
(A) Joe & Irene (B) Andy & Chris
(C) Bob & Mary (D) Ben & Geri

2. D 3.B
5.A 6.D
7.B 8.C
9.A 10.B |