A Bob Hope Special


Isn't That Wild?




Hello Ladies and Gentlemen. I'm Bob “Firecracker” Hope and I want to tell you, it's been a wild summer so far.

How about that Evan McCarty getting promoted past 6th grade. Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen a McCarty that excited to get promoted since Jerry graduated from Record Boy to DJ after Brad Savage retired. Is that wild?

How about that Steve McCarty hosting the Tennessee McCartys in Florida? Wasn’t that wild?  I haven’t seen anyone more uncomfortable around Southerners since Ned Beatty in Deliverance. Isn’t that something?

And how about Steve and Kristen being down in Florida during Tropical Storm Debby? Isn’t that something? Steve hasn’t had to endure a killer wind like that since he was in high school and Kelly farted all night after having the 3-Bean Salad. Isn’t that wild?

Did you hear Megan and Jenna are on the Twin Lakes Swim Team? Isn’t that wild? I haven’t seen sisters compete with that many different races since the Kardashians. Isn’t that something?

And how about that Jenna doing Freestyle, Back Stroke, and Breast Stroke?  Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen a girl that tired of Different Strokes since Dana Plato robbed a video store.  Isn’t that wild?

How about that Bob Balch playing Danny Boy at the DMGC? Wasn’t that wild. I haven’t seen anybody that good at finger picking since Spaulding ate the Booger in Caddyshack. Isn’t that something?

And how about that Mike McCarty’s team not doing as well at the Dan McCarty Golf Classic as last year. Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen guys with more strokes since Kirk Douglas and Dick Clark watched last year’s US Open on TV. Isn’t that wild?

How about Larry McCarty hemmin' and hawin' about entering the 48 hour film project in Tennessee. The project is to take 48 hours and come up with a movie about 10 minutes. Isn’t that something? I heard that he was upset because of last year, he misunderstood the concept and came up with a 48 hour movie about 10 midgets. Isn’t that wild?

And I hear Austin McCarty is really excited about running for delegate to the Republican Convention. Isn’t that something? I haven’t seen anyone talk that much about an “Election” since Jackie Chan tried Viagra. Isn’t that wild?

Have a Happy 4th, and good night ladies and gentlemen.

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