Editor. This
two-months-in-one July issue threw off my internal time clock.
Is this August or September or April? -Twilight Zone dweller
ED NOTE: Tough to say. You wrote your question in August
for the September issue, and April showers may come your way.
They bring the flowers, that bloom in May.
Editor. Love the Metro. It seems to be very well edited for
spelling mistakes. Have you ever made any serious typographical
errors? -Laryr
ED NOTE: Thanks to my wife Margaret, most of my glaring
spelling mistakes are caught and fixed before we go online.
However, she is not with me at work. The letters T and G on the
keyboard are very close to each other. This recently became all
too apparent to me and consequently I will never be ending a
work email to the school board with the phrase
"Regards" again.
I was
visiting Cancun, Mexico on official business last month and
someone hurled a large amount of vomit in my sunroof. This is
only the second time in my life this has ever happened to me.
-Senator Richard A. Gephardt
ED NOTE: If it was the black vomit, all I can tell you Dick
is that it's another tequila sunrise starin' slowly 'cross the
sky, said goodbye
Dear Editor. I want to get my girlfriend a nice gift. I was
looking at our local Kay Jewelers. What would you suggest I get
to say "I love you", but without any implications to
the idea of marriage? -A McCarty Grandbrat who is not ready for
ED NOTE: Actually, I
disagree with the Kay Jewelers advertising. I think that more
kisses begin with Coors than Kay.
I just
want you to know that because your son and daughter-in-law are
having 3 receptions, don't expect me to send three times the
presents. I mean do they really expect $15? -Aunt Kate
ED NOTE: Play the ball as it lies Aunt Kate. And by the way
Shooter, you can expect Chris and Amanda in the parking
... To Hobby Lobby. This is
a wonderful store. Your cashiers are very knowledgeable
and helpful. Plus the store is clean. This is my Disney
World! -Margaret
... To the
Kentucky Fried Chicken in Shanghai, China. As to their
bucket of Chicken, be very afraid of the bucket. I found a
breaded Talon in mine. -Jerry
. |
Submit rants, praises, & observations to reply@mccartymetro.com.
month's observation is from Metro reader Mike Borelli |
I find it sad that this country worships people like Michael Jackson and
hardly gives a thought to the people that are dying for them. It speaks
volumes about our values. Please take the time to say a prayer for the
people that deserve your respect. Please pray for the families of those
listed below. This is a message that should grab your heart as
you read through the names.
With no disrespect intended to the Michael Jackson family.
While the focus today, tomorrow and for the next God-knows-how-many-days
will be the death of a pop culture icon; while many will mourn, wail and
quite literally make fools of themselves over it, and while as many will
speak endlessly about it, allow me, if only for a moment, to remind us all
that others have died this month; others whose lives were cut short;
others who leave behind loved ones and whose families will dearly miss
them; families who'll suffer with much more dignity and honor than we'll
be exposed to on the tube in the coming days. Yes, it's true. We've suffered a great
loss, but forgive me while I tell you that I'm
not talking about the king of pop music... |
These American Military members
died in Iraq the same month as Michael Jackson:
Sergeant Justin J. Duffy
Specialist Christopher M. Kurth
Specialist Charles D. Parrish
Lance Corporal Robert D. Ulmer |
Staff Sergeant Edmond L. Lo
Sergeant Joshua W. Soto
Captain Kafele H. Sims
Specialist Chancellor A. Keesling |
And these members of our U.S. Armed
Forces died in Afghanistan the same month as Michael Jackson:
Sergeant, Ricky D.
Specialist Munguia, Rodrigo A. Rivas
Command Master Chief Petty Officer, Jeffrey J. Garber
1st Sergeant, John D. Blair
Sergeant, Paul G. Smith
Staff Sergeant, Joshua Melton
Sergeant 1st Class, Kevin A. Dupont
Specialist, Jonathan C. O'Neill
Chief Warrant Officer, Ricky L. Richardson. Jr
Specialist, S. Eduardo Silva
Lance Corporal, Joshua R. Whittle |
Major, Rocco M.
Major, Kevin M. Jenrette
Staff Sergeant, John C. Beale
Specialist, Jeffrey W. Jordan
Specialist, Jarrett P. Griemel
Specialist I, Roberto A. Hernandez
Sergeant, Jasper K. Obakrairur
Staff Sergeant, Jeffrey A. Hall
Private 1st Class, Matthew D. Ogden
Private 1st Class, Matthew W. Wilson |