Clear Tacky Spray
12” square paper, 4 orange
Permanent marker, green
Personal paper cutter
12” square paper, green
Hole punch, large
12” square paper, brown
Pipe cleaners, 9 green
TO DO...
Cut orange paper into 1-1/2” wide strips, using paper cutter.
Arrange seven strips in an asterisk shape with ends slightly overlapping in center, making sure they are even width apart. Apply Tacky Spray on one end at time and press together. Let dry.
Pull up other ends to middle. Apply Tacky Spray on ends and place together. Let dry.
here to see and print out leaf pattern on green paper. Cut out with scissors.
Use green marker to draw veins.
Punch a hole at center bottom of leaf. Place a pipe cleaner through hole and twist end around pipe cleaner.
Curl end of pipe cleaner around pencil. Remove pencil, leaving a curly-q. Repeat with other pipe cleaners, using three per pumpkin.
Cut a 1” wide strip of brown paper and roll on pencil. Apply Tacky Spray on end of roll to adhere.
Spray one end with glue and press on top of pumpkin. Refer to photo.
Wrap pipe cleaners and leaf around stem. Repeat all steps to make other pumpkins.