Mike breaking his leg while being chased by an angry homeowner on Devil's Night. I wasn't the one who soaped the guy's window, but I was the one who wound up in a cast.
Homeowner dumps loose popcorn in Mike's trick-or-treat bag.
Kelly's Halloween bag is stolen.
Dad chases kid who stole Kelly's bag and confronts the kid's mother.
Mom taking all the candy from our Halloween hauls, combining it and putting it in large bags based on worth (penny candy, nickel candy, etc.), and only allowing the brothers to eat a few pieces each night. This would make it last longer. Years later we would learn this was the principle behind Social Security.
By Mike McCarty
The worst Halloween candy ever collected in my trick-or-treat career? Well, it's a three-way tie between candy corn, loose popcorn and bruised apples. As a skeleton (my go-to costume on Halloween), I collected my fair share of excellent candy (Junior Mints, Chunkies, Milky Ways). But I had no control over some of the stuff that was dumped into my bag.

Example No. 1. The owners of one house on Sussex near the corner of West Chicago in Detroit used to invite all the little goblins into the living room to examine our costumes. The owners would oooh and make bad guesses about what we were supposed to be, before dipping a metal scoop into a giant bowl of popcorn, and dumping the loose stuff into our bags. It would happen before you knew it. The stuff would never be eaten. Instead, that corn would be tossed out with the bag.
Example No. 2. Over the years, a silo-full of candy corn was dumped in my bag. It came in all kinds of little bags. Usually the black and orange commercial baggies, but some also came in cellophane with a twistee, or some other homemade wrapping. Didn't matter. I wouldn't not eat it, and it would be deposited in the big bag of "cheap candy" with other disappointing hauls made by me and my brothers.
Example No. 3. Who wants to eat a badly bruised apple? They didn't even make the "cheap candy" bag. The apples would be thrown out, unless they were caramel covered.