With Your Host, The Late Bill Kennedy

| Sorry I'm Late... The McCarty Metro contacted me to host this new addition to the Metro. This is a newer page evolved from the "At The Movies" articles and celebrity sightings, which appeared for the last few years in the McCarty Metro on the Dateline News Page. I have also added some of my celebrity faux-toes which I have collected through the years. Please, if you have any interesting or funny videos or if you have had any celebrity sightings on film, forward them to me in care of mccartymetro@gmail.com ENJOY! -BK |
 I don't care if they do a remake of "Escape from Witch Mountain" with the Dwayne Johnson. No one can ever do a better job than Kim Richards
|  Here's a story of a man named Brady, who was bringing up three boys of his own. Pictured are Barry Williams as Greg Brady, Jerry McCarty as Sam the Butcher, and Michael Knight as Peter Brady
Please send me any pictures of your celebrity sightings. Attach them in an email to mccartymetro@gmail.com
Where Are They Now  GEORGE W. BUSH At least they let 'W' keep his laptop |  OZZY OSBORNE Ozzy starring in the remake of The Wizard Of Oz | . | . |
 ELMO Pickle Me Elmo
|  OBAMA'S NEW DRUG CZARS Richard Cheech Marin and Thomas Chong
|  BARACK OBAMA Prez gets royal treatment in England
Please send me any faux toes to me. Attach them in an email to mccartymetro@gmail.com
SCRAPBOOKING BIBLE Margaret submits this video of a reenactment of her and Kelly and the secrets behind scrapbooking. View Video |
| LENO INTERVIEWS Jay Leno from the Tonight Show remembers some of his toughest interviews over the years. View Video |
| MAGIC TIME Each month we will bring you some magic into your homes. This month... The Space Police View Video |
| TENNESSEE RELATIVES Larry McCarty dons the guitar and sings about the average family situations in Tennessee. View Video |
| SMOKE INHALATION A news crew was on the scene of one of California's wildfires that burned some "private property" View Video |
| PUT ME IN COACH The high school's team manager fires up the rest of his team both on and off the basketball court View Video |
Please send me any videos to me. Attach them or send the youtube address to me at mccartymetro@gmail.com |