SONG o' MAY “ Columbus Stockade Blues” G Way down in Columbus , Georgia D G Wanna to be back in Tennessee Way down in Columbus stockade D G G7 My friends all turned their backs on me  | C G Go and leave me if you wish to C D Never let it cross your mind G If in your heart you love another D G Leave me, Little Darling, I don’t mind |
. | . | Last night as I lay sleeping I dreamt I held you in my arms When I awoke I was mistaken I was peering through the bars CHORUS Many a night with you I rambled Many an hour with you I spent Thought I had your heart forever Now I find it was only lent CHORUS | 
| ASK THE BANJO MASTER Howdy Mike. Did you learn to play the banjo in Mrs. Shewfelt's class? Dear George Ford School Trivia Buff, Sorry, but I did not learn to play the banjo in Mrs. Shewfelt's elementary-school music class. Wish I had, because now I might be in the ranks of Steve Martin and Jim Mills. No, I only took up the banjo about four years ago. I did learn other things in Mrs. Shewfelt's class, though. Let's see, I learned how to pass music books correctly (over my left shoulder ... or was it over the right), don't talk in class (just sing), that there are three kinds of people in the world (altos, sopranos and people in-between), and, um, did I mention about passing the books back? Oh, yeah. I guess that's about it. One other thing. Once, during one of my weak moments, Mrs. Shewfelt talked me into joining the George Ford Glee Club. I regretted this decision instantly (no bluegrass selections) and stepped down. 