
Dear Editor. Are you at all nervous about going down to Mexico, especially with the swine flu scare? -Boris
ED NOTE: Not at all, Boris The government has lifted the travel warnings, and it seems that the Swine Flu was not as bad as the media made it out to be. I must admit however, I am a little bit nervous about the house band at the resort. I understand that Señor Savage & la Cucarachas is one of the worst bands in all of Meheeco.

Dear Editor. I want to go into the chat room tonight. What terms am I agreeing to, or should I register? Are there any costs connected with this? Remember, I am going on a fixed income, unless I can unfix it. -Mike
ED NOTE: There are no costs to use the McCarty Metro Chat Room. Whether you have a web cam or not, join as a guest, or create a new profile. Everything is free. The terms of agreement basically says you will not get naked in front of your camera. Do like me... stay naked behind the camera.

Dear Editor. Did you know that the New York Television Festival has teamed up with the Fox Procter & Gamble to offer aspiring TV writers the opportunity to win $25,000, a development deal with Fox, and the possibility to have your script be produced as a network TV pilot! The deadline is June 15. Are you sending a script? -Larry
ED NOTE: Actually Larz, I am not, however, our retired brother Mike is hard at work on a brand new, never before done idea that will shake up the TV world. He is putting the final touches on it as we speak. I am going to give you a little peek though. It stars Andrew McCarthy and the late Don Knotts, and is entitled "Weekend At Barnies".


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