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Count Bradula & Pongo Boy Austin 1994 | Your Editor 1964 | Cockroaches On Halloween 1984 | . | . | . | 
HALLOWEEN THEN AND NOW -Mike Then In The 1950's... | Now In 2008... | When we went up on a porch, we yelled "Help the poor, my pants are tore" or "Trick or treat" (the latter sometimes also included "smell my feet.") | "Trick or treat" or "Yo, it's me." | Sometimes people invited you inside and asked, "Oooh, who are you supposed to be? Superman?" | Sometimes people invite you inside and ask, "Oooh, would you please put away that gun before someone gets hurt?" | Baddest trick? Soaped windows or the occasional flaming poop on the porch. | Fire to buildings. | Best candy -- "Three Musketeers" or "Kit-Kat" bar. Worst: Candy corn. Runner up for worst: The woman at the end of our block who dumped loose popcorn into my bag. | Best -- Junior Mints. Worst: Candy corn. | Most popular costume was a hobo/beggar or Davy Crockett. | Ghost or computer geek. |
| ARCHIVES "DYNAMITE" BLAST . Above: Jerry McCarty's Peanut & Jocko from October 1994 Right: Kelly McCarty's Editorial from October 1993 Below: Steve McCarty's Horror-Scope from October 1992  |  |