DATELINE: METRO HQ Due to the grumblings of a few McCartys, the traditional Christmas Draw has been cancelled this year. There will be no mandatory showing of affection for one of your relatives... unless its' the Metro editor. . DATELINE: COLUMBUS, OHIO Brad McCarty is now a Buckeye! That's right, the 6'8", 280 lb Mc has been recruited out of state by M-Tech, a tier 1 supplier for Nissan and Honda. The plant makes interior parts for the automakers.. The company is located in Dublin Ohio, and Brad now takes up residence in Columbus. The Metro wishes Brad the best of luck in his new position. If you get lost... his apartment is right behind a familiar landmark. Lucky Guy!!!

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| DATELINE: HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA Reporter Jerry McCarty and his wife Kathlene, went over to Phyllis Diller's house on Sunday, October 5th for cocktails. They received an original painting that she did. This is them on her back patio with the artwork. Ahh!! Life in LA !!!

| HELPFUL HOME TIPS . A New Use For Windex? The McCarty Metro hasn't checked '' to see if this actually works or not, but they say, if you ever get the sudden urge to run around naked, you should drink some Windex first. It'll keep you from streaking. | 
DATELINE: DO NOT CALL LIST An alert to cell phone users.... You could start to receive sale calls. CELL PHONE USERS... YOU WILL BE CHARGED FOR THESE CALLS! To prevent this, call the following number from your cell phone: 888-382-1222. It is the National DO NOT CALL list. It will only take a minute of your time. It blocks your number for 5 years. You must call from the cell phone number you want to have blocked. You cannot call from a different phone number. HELP OTHERS BY PASSING THIS ON TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS.. or go to . DATELINE: ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN Metro editor Kelly McCarty, along with reporters Steve McCarty and Jim Seeling, attended the annual Michigan / Michigan State football game on October 25. Jim scored some 2nd row seats on the 20 yard line. The trio mingled with the crowd at the tail gate, and enjoyed a competitive football game. MSU triumphed 35-21.
 Kelly gets an exclusive interview with the U of M quarterback |  Steve & Kelly (MSU) Jim & Joe (UM) put their differences aside | . | . |  The seats were awesome. Thanks Jim!!! |  Kelly leaves via mo-ped with a possible 'NBC To Catch A Predator' |
DATELINE: MICHIGAN Michigan Law: The Michigan State Police are cracking down on speeders heading into Detroit. For the first offense, they give you two Detroit Lions tickets. If you get stopped a second time, they make you use them.
 A week before my first day of 4th grade we, of course, got the name of our teachers. And I got the teacher I wanted witch was my 2nd grade teacher who moved to 4th grade because there was a spot open. My month of school has been going great. If you are wondering what I’m going to be for Halloween I’m going to be a chef because our classroom has no bathroom in it, I don’t want to change in the girls bathroom! Also, my room got painted orange and I moved in to a bigger room, so now I can have one of my chairs that was shoved in a corner out, and now I use it a lot! | 
METRO FINANCIAL CORNER Normally I avoid discussing any advice regarding buying or selling of stocks, but I felt this is important enough to share and warn you since this explosive situation might prove to be yet another ENRON. Please review any holdings you might have in the following stocks: American Can, Interstate Water, National Gas Company, Northern Tissue Company. Due to uncertain market conditions, I advise you to sit tight on your Can, hold your Water, and let go of your Gas. You may be interested to know that Northern Tissue touched a new bottom today, and millions were wiped clean. It's a tough market out there. Be careful!
| DATELINE: WALL STREET Here is a handy guide for Metro readers listing some favorite 2008 Financial phrases along with their meanings. . CEO: Chief Embezzlement Officer CFO: Corporate Fraud Officer BULL MARKET: A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius BEAR MARKET: A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex VALUE INVESTING: The art o f buying low and selling lower P/E RATIO: The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing BROKER: What my broker has made me STANDARD & POOR: Your life in a nutshell STOCK ANALYST: Idiot who just downgraded your stock STOCK SPLIT: When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves FINANCIAL PLANNER: Guy whose phone has been disconnected MARKET CORRECTION: The day after you buy stocks CASH FLOW: The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet YAHOO: What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share WINDOWS: What you jump out of when you're the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $ 240 per share INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR: Past year investor who's now locked up in a nuthouse PROFIT: An archaic word no longer in use |
DATELINE: SCHAGEN, NETHERLANDS Man Builds Noahs Ark (exact scale given in Bible) A working replica of Noah's Ark opened In Schagen, Netherlands. The massive central door in the side of Noah's Ark was opened the first crowd of curious townsfolk to behold the wonder. Of course, it's only a replica of the biblical Ark, built by Dutch Creationist Johan Huibers as a testament to his faith in the literal truth of the Bible. The ark is 150 cubits long, 30 cubits high and 20 cubits wide. That's two-thirds the length of a football field and as high as a three-story house. Life-size models of giraffes, elephants, lions, crocodiles, zebras, bison and other animals greet visitors as they arrive in the main hold. A contractor by trade, Huibers built the ark of cedar and pine. Biblical Scholars debate exactly what the wood used by Noah would have been. Huibers did the work mostly with his own hands, using modern tools and with occasional help from his son Roy. Construction began in May 2005. On the uncovered top deck - not quite ready in time for the opening will come a petting zoo, with baby lambs and chickens, and goats, and one camel. Visitors on the first day were stunned. 'It's past comprehension', said Mary Louise Starosciak, who happened to be bicycling by with her husband while on vacation when they saw the ark looming over the local landscape. 'I knew the story of Noah, but I had no idea the boat would have been so big.' There is enough space near the keel for a 50-seat film theater where kids can watch a video that tells the story of Noah and his ark. Huibers, a Christian man, said he hopes the project will renew interest in Christianity in the Netherlands, where church going has fallen dramatically in the past 50 years.
DATELINE: FOOD & DRUG ADMINISTRATION E-Coli has been found in spinach. Here is Mike McCarty's artist rendering of the latest victim of this bacterial disease. 
| DATELINE: DETROIT, MICHIGAN NEW MICHIGAN TORNADO POLICY... In the case of tornadoes sweeping through Michigan, the McCarty Metro is asking all subscribers to take shelter at Ford Field located at the heart of Detroit. We are fairly certain a touchdown will not occur there.
DATELINE: METRO HOMICIDE DIVISION . | Sources close to the McCarty Metro say that the victim was delicious and found in a pool of his own gravy! |  |
DATELINE: CLINTON TOWNSHIP, MICHIGAN On October 26th, Metro reporter and bell ringer, Margaret McCarty, along with 2 other members from the St. Ronald Bell Choir, got to witness first-hand, a concert held by the Detroit Handbell Ensemble at St. Luke's Church in Clinton Township. The Detroit Handbell Ensemble is an ambassador for the art of ringing and performing with musical excellence both within and beyond the handbell community. They are passionate about teaching and demonstrating the value of handbell ensembles in churches, schools and communities while improving their performance skills. Margaret was thoroughly impressed by the ringers at the concert. 
|  Big Bird misses the Thanksgiving feast... Or did he??
| Eddie Brinkman, 66, Detroit Tiger baseball player and coach, lung cancer. House Peters, Jr., 92, American actor (Mr. Clean), pneumonia. Edie Adams, 81, actress and singer, pneumonia and cancer. Jack Narz, 85, Beat The clock game show host, complications of stroke. Tom Tresh, 71, former New York Yankee and Detroit Tiger baseball player, heart attack. Richard Blackwell, 86, American fashion critic, creator of the 10 worst dressed people, complications from an intestinal infection. | 
| After a courageous battle with cancer, Helen Rzepka was received into our Lord's arms on October 9, 2008. Helen, 84, originally grew up in Detroit, Michigan, and married the love of her life, Bill (William), to whom she was married for 62 years. She was a loving and devoted mother to her children Kathryn, Carolyn, Diane, Thomas, Mary, 11 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. Helen was a devoted Catholic, who quietly contributed to numerous charities close to her heart. She was previously employed in the Troy area, where many friends were made due to her outgoing personality. The Funeral Mass was held at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, October 14, at the Church of the Holy Family in Grand Blanc. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions were preferred for Faith Hospice, Grand Rapids, Ml. |
 DATELINE: WASHINGTON DC With the Government bailout program, it will force many companies to merge in early 2009. Here are some investment tips for the near future. For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks. Watch for these consolidations in 2009: Hale Business Sys, MaryKay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and WR Grace will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace PolygramRecords, Warner Bros., and ZestaCrackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker 3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood ZippoManufacturing, AudiMotors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: PouponPants Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! Victoria 's Secret and Smith &Wesson will merge under the new name: TittyTittyBangBang |