This year, we have co-champions.... Congratulations Glen Lucas & Mike Wiacek

1Mike Wiacek104104
1Glen Lucas10040
3Jim Prentis8380
4Todd Rammler7144
5Bob Balch6024
6Ben Toner4248
7John Russo2124
7Frank Merriam208
7Ray Holman208
7Chris McCarty208
11Kelly McCarty104
12Tom Taylor0116
12Don Lambert0116
12Steve McCarty0116
12Denny George001
12John Warren001


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1985 Rick McCarty
1986 Dan McCarty
1987 Mike Wiacek
1988 Mike Wiacek
1989 Mike Wiacek
1990 Mike Wiacek
1991 Chuck Raycraft
1992 Paul Drogosh
1993 Dan McCarty
1994 Dan McCarty
1995 Mike Wiacek
1996 Dan Stephenson
1997 Mike Wiacek
1998 Matt Munn
1999 Matt Munn
2000 Corporal Boyle
2001 Dave Grein
2002 Rick McCarty
2003 Mike Wiacek
2004 Frank Merriam
2005 Dan Kresbaugh
2006 Frank Merriam
2007 John Russo / Glen Lucas
2008 Glen Lucas / Mike Wiacek

The Scorecards

. Skin. Greenie. Skin + Greenie

Day #1

Jim Prentis736653566475556566454794
John Warren9545657575366464585751104
Tom Taylor10445557865475583874653107
Ray Holman7355657485076774665755105
Kelly McCarty8667636555266674684552104
Chris McCarty7455556664965583774551100
Steve McCarty645755556486446368554795
Todd Rammler644543655425646466454688
Frank Merriam6565546675056576574550100
John Russo9666637775767463574547104
Mike Wiacek634664555444455356364185
Dennis George------------------------
Bob Balch845562654455556467544792
Glen Lucas454853554435555466454588
Ben Toner755655555485566466554896
Don Lambert6566636564967674674653102

Day #2

Jim Prentis744735845477354544854592
John Warren6657469755476746476754108
Tom Taylor7556747555176654546649100
Ray Holman6955648875865745458852110
Kelly McCarty5866638775675744536546102
Chris McCarty555545956496576663655099
Steve McCarty454554657456455665754994
Todd Rammler762555665476474543854693
Frank Merriam656745664498443543674493
John Russo453755666477464454854794
Mike Wiacek564544544416554443654293
Dennis George553555647457675654765398
Bob Balch454744665456665834865297
Glen Lucas544665645455643653644287
Ben Toner565664667517653555754899
Don Lambert7757547645277546537650102

Day #3

Jim Prentis645644355424355746754688
John Warren8665554575164676365952103
Tom Taylor6657648665456863566853107
Ray Holman96556577555756810588763118
Kelly McCarty857646565526456545564698
Chris McCarty846644456476555645444491
Steve McCarty656543556456356645564691
Todd Rammler655464556465454355654288
Frank Merriam7587555545165665456750101
John Russo535654686486565544574795
Mike Wiacek754443556436356534454184
Dennis George866654666515556445664697
Bob Balch8455655654765785465854101
Glen Lucas544643556434444445564083
Ben Toner755655566505566443674696
Don Lambert7676665675653666465748104

10. Golfers already know all the good 'pee' spots on the course
9. No more $20 sammich & a beer at the turn
8. Gull Lake's stringent
'No Fireworks on the putting greens' policy keeps Glen happy
7. No need to travel 10 miles back to the condo because you forgot your smokes
6. Plenty of huge blank walls to view Bob’s porn on anywhere…. anytime
5. If you lose your ball mark, there are plenty of goose turds at your disposal
4. It took Kelly over 20 years to train the turtles of Turtle Island to retrieve his slimy wet balls (just love saying that) from the water and lie them strategically next to the green, then just sit there just sunning themselves like nothing’s wrong
3. Next time we want to change courses, just two words.... GO SOUTH!!!
2. The hot Richland babes.... What????  Those were sheep?
And the #1 reason Gull Lake is better…