. | . | TIGER STADIUM MEMORIES By Mike McCarty As the Tigers show off their All-Star team during spring training, hope of a world championship springs eternal -- along with plenty of Tigers memories. Some examples: Going to Tiger Stadium and sitting in the centerfield bleachers -- and watching and listening to D.J. bellow at Chet Lemon. I saw him turn around (Chet, not D.J.) once and look at us.
A long time ago, I was sitting in the lower deck in left field when somebody threw a paper bag at Washington Senators' leftfielder Jimmy Piersall. The game stopped when Piersall ran all the way into the infield and talked to one of the umpires -- and pointed at the fans in leftfield.
Going on the field before the game and shaking hands with pitcher Hank Aguirre during Tiger Camera Day.
Going on the field after the Tigers' 1968 pennant-clinching game. I went home with a chunk of sod and planted it in the backyard of my home at 9323 Sussex. However, I didn't mark it and lost track of the actual location.
 | While on the field after the aforesaid game, watching Creighton Ishii slide into second base and get muddy. (The team had turned the sprinklers on and flicked the lights on and off in an attempt to get people to disperse.)
Sitting in the centerfield bleachers and see a guy with no shoes step into a pile of nacho cheese that somebody has spilled in the stands. I can still hear the sucking sound as the cheese filled up between his toes.
Seeing D.J. dive and come up with a ball in the rightfield stands -- just before a little kid could get it. EPILOG: D.J. gave the ball to Andy, who was a little bigger than the other kid.
Two words: Ray Oyler.
AND AWAY FROM TIGER STADIUM: Coming home on the West Grand Boulevard bus after a 1967 Tiger doubleheader and seeing what looked like a party off in the distance. A rider who was standing in the aisle with a transistor radio in his ear said, "It's the 12th Street Riots!"
Seeing Don Mossi pitch with a softball team at O'Shea field. Hey, I would recognize that profile anywhere.
My mom sent my pencil drawing of Don Mossi to the Tiger pitcher. She mentioned in the letter that I had several brothers. A few weeks later, I received several autographed B&W photos of Don Mossi in the mail.
Riding my bicycle up Greenfield Road to a meat market to see Stan "The Man" Musial signing autographs on his B&W picture with a meat advertisement on the back. I got one -- and still have it.