
See Cleveland   near Grand Rapids !

That’s right, award-winning fiddler  Michael Cleveland and his band, Flamekeeper, will highlight Mayfest in Lowell !

Cleveland is a four-time winner of the International Bluegrass Music Association’s Fiddle Player of the Year.

Circle  the dates on your calendar: May 16, 17 and 18. Cleveland ’s band plays twice on Saturday, the 17th. For the complete schedule, check out:



Howdy Mike, I want to see another Brad Savage & The Cockroaches reunion this summer at the golf tournament.  Do you know how to get in touch with them so I could ask them to add a mandolin, banjo, Dobro and, say, about 11 bluegrass songs?  -- A Fan in Ohio

Hi Fan, You came to the right person. I used to be in the band and I know Brad, Eric, Bob, Carl, Lance, Rambo, and the manager, Paul Stevens. I will forward your request.  I wanna hear Brad rhyme the words “tell’er” and “feller.” -- Mike

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Added Bonus Song


Banjo tablatures and bluegrass info

West Michigan Bluegrass Music Association

International Bluegrass Music Association

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