Mike's Bluegrass Page

| HORNPIPES o’ PLENTY Yours truly recently learned a peppy little number, “Virginia Hornpipe,” on the banjo. Naturally, someone at a jam asked, “What’s a hornpipe?” And naturally, I mumbled something unintelligible, then went home and Googled it. Turns out a hornpipe and McCartys go together. This is a lively Irish dance song played with a swing. (Think DA-da-Da-da-Da-da.) It’s named for the sailor’s instrument on which it’s played. Sorry, I can’t tell you the difference between a hornpipe and a reel. Can I get some help here? There are tons of these songs out there, such as “Londonderry Hornpipe,” “Mountain Hornpipe,” “Sailor’s Hornpipe,” “Kilkenny Hornpipe,” “The Break Down Hornpipe,” “McCarthy’s Hornpipe,” “O’Dwyer’s Hornpipe,” “Murphy’s Hornpipe,” “Seven Seas Hornpipe,” “Horn Hornpipe” and on and on and on. For a demo, see a boy playing “Morgan’s Hornpipe.” Click Here | . | . | A LITTLE BANJO HUMOR QUESTION: Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, a good banjo player, and an old drunk are walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred dollar bill. Who gets it? ANSWER: The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures. |

Ask The Banjo Master . | Howdy Mike, I brought my banjo to a party, but the host told me his neighborhood is not zoned for banjos. I said OK and put the instrument away. But when I got home, I started thinking. Was he just trying to stop me from pickin’ at his party? -Mindin’ My Own Biz Picker in Calif. Hi Mindin’, Hmmm. I don’t know your city’s zoning laws, but I’ve heard some communities have an RB-N (Residential banjos-No or, in some jurisdictions Residential bluegrass-No). The only other instrument discriminated against in zoning laws is the accordion, but that’s to be expected. I am confident that if it weren’t for the zoning, you would have been pickin’ “Foggy Mountain Breakdown” to your hearts content because all hosts know banjos are made for parties. -Mike Hi Mike, How can you tell if there's a banjo player at your door? -Picker in Warren, Mich. Howdy Picker, Ha! I know this one. They can't find the key, the knocking speeds up, and they don't know when to come in. -Mike Hi Mike, What do you call a guy who hangs around a bunch of musicians? -Traverse City Flash. Hi TC, Easy. Banjo player. Alternate answer: Brad Savage. -Mike | 