| Michigan State University | 
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What's up McCarty's? Things at State are going well, and my classes, even though I'm taking 3 credits more than last semester, aren't very difficult. Calculus II is pretty much same old same old, just requires a lot more thinking. Intro to Finance is extremely easy. It's like Accounting in High School. BASIC MATH. Plus, our Professor is extremely boring. So that'll be a breeze. Intro to Programming is all logistics, a lot of planning, and a lot of trial and error. It's pretty difficult once a project is given, but after you think about for a while, you understand how to do it. Lastly, WRA 150, my writing class, seems pretty easy, but I'm always afraid of getting hit with a huge paper due in two days. That hasn't happened yet, though. We have to create 3 portfolios over the semester, so that'll be them. I also have a job at my Dorm's Cafeteria. All I have to do is basically restocking salad bars, cleaning, and things of the sort. I make $7.15/Hour, but I don't get a paycheck until Feb. 1st. So I can't wait to start to refill my bank account. :P See you all whenever.  |