Hey Editor, I like your story on all the corporate mergers. I was wondering if there was any truth to the rumor that the Hoover Vacuum Company was going to buy the McCarty Metro and change the name to The Metro Sucks? -Maria Barteloma ED NOTE: No..... It wasn't Hoover..... it was Frigidaire. The name was going to be the Metro is COOL! PWN!!!! Dear Editor, Just curious, but why doesn't the Metro come out with a big Thanksgiving paper filled with coupons and after Thanksgiving sales? -Lake ED NOTE: We learned our lesson from years' past. Back in the 60's, the Metro was the first publication to put coupons in their Thanksgiving issue. Unfortunately, the carbon paper stained all the merchants hands, and they refused any coupons thereafter. That is how "Black Friday" got its' name. It took Happy Jack, Whitey, and Jim Dandy weeks to get themselves back to normal.
Hey Editor, Thanks for the Christmas draw list. This is a surprising turn of events. Say, what say next year we draw three names, each with a $5 limit. Just a thought. Or we each draw 10 names with $1.50 limit. Just a couple a thoughts. -Mike ED NOTE: Whoa there Mike. Let's not get too crazy. After all, there are not enough spouses anymore to handle the load.
Dear Editor, I'm breaking out the Christmas music and can't decide which is song best sums up the season: White Christmas (Bing Crosby), All I Want for Christmas (Mariah Carey), or Bar Car (Cockroaches)? -Larry ED NOTE: Actually, my favorite is Styrofoam (Georgie Jessel). Did you know that they get it down the streeeeet. In a big truuuck!
Dear Editor, With Michigan going down the crapper and everyone in need of a bailout, has the Metro any plans to request a bailout? -The Big 3 ED NOTE: Only if I don't get a designated driver on New Years Eve. If I get thrown in the Pokey... I am going to call somebody for a bailout.
I saw the picture in the Metro of Kelly McCarty riding on the back of the scooter and it reminded me of a young Chris Makepeace riding on the back of Linderman's Motorcycle in the 1980 Movie, My Bodyguard. Do you want Mike to kick your ass? Yeah, you want him to kick your ass!! -Moody ED NOTE: How dare you wanting Mike to kick a defenseless animal. You ain't so tough... Do those chains make you tough?
Dear Editor, Inquiring minds would like to know when the annual McCarty golf outing is. Thanks! -Amy ED NOTE:
For the latest info on the 14th Annual Dan McCarty Golf Classic,
STAY TUNED! Same MAC Time, Same MAC Channel.