Howdy Mike, I hear you were at a hot jam in Utica recently. Who was playing? -- Appaloosa, Shelby Twp., Mich. Hi Ap, You heard absolutely right. “Lonesome Road Blues” was the hit of the jam featuring “Applachian” Jean and Her Mean Organ … and me on banjo. We tried to get Brad Savage in on the action, but he apparently had to go to another gig. Next time, Brad, you’re pickin’ with us! -- Mike Hey Mike, Is there any truth to the rumor that Bob Balch will sing “Danny Boy” with a mandolin and banjo at the next Dan McCarty Golf Classic? -- Irish Rover, Belfast, N.I. Hey Irish, Can’t confirm. So far, our sources say Bob is sticking to the guitar but may consider taping cymbals to his knees. Hey, this is reminder, start putting your teams together. .