Well it’s September and that means those McCarty Grandbrats will be getting ready to go back to school. Just thinking of those Remedial Rejects makes me hotter than the bulb on a filmstrip projector. |  
. These kids nowadays will have their I-Phones, Palm Pilots, Digital Cameras, and Personal Computers. “Ewww….Teacher can you email me my assignments so that I have them in an electronic format?” Fiddle Foey!! When we were kids all we had was a spiral notebook with some #2 pencils. We took the teachers mimeographed assignments and would fold them up and put them in the notebook. And after a week in school, the erasers on the pencil would be worn off and we would rub a hole in every sheet of paper. Sure, we turned in folded, smudgy, torn assignments, but we didn’t care we were happy with what we had. And these kids to day have to get driven to school everyday. They have so many kids getting driven to school that they have a special drop-off lane. When I was a kid, we walked to school everyday and we had lots of fun doing it. While we were walking, we would hit the fences with a stick so that the dogs would go nuts barking at us. And then we kick a rock or a tin can down the sidewalk while we were walking. Sure we woke up everyone in the neighborhood, but we didn’t care we loved it!!! . |

| And after school, those Pampered Pupils will get driven all over the place. Oh, they will be going to Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, karate, ballet, cheerleading, soccer, art class, and gymnastics. When I was a kid, my mom gave me a choice of two places to go after school. I could either, “1) get my little fanny home” or 2) “I could go find a new house to live in.” But, we had lots of extra-curricular activities. We would go in the alley and play with matches or throw rocks at squirrels. Sure we got all dirty and ended up getting pink-eye, but we didn’t care we were happy to be playing. |
. So you get your little Learning Loser prepared for school and get ‘em all ready with extra special electronic stuff and their special after-school activities. And while they are waiting to get picked up in your SUV, don’t be surprised if they get hit by a ROCK! |