Read all the way through and get a bonus page. The original Kelly McCarty version of the McCarty Metro from October 1992.
A Riddle That's Really A GAS!
A man was driving down the road and ran out of gas. At that moment, a bee flew in his window. The bee said, "What's the problem?" "I'm out of gas," the man replied. The bee told the man to wait right there and flew away. Minutes later, an entire swarm of bees flew to his car and into his gas tank. After a few minutes, the bees flew out. "Try it now," said one bee. The man turned the ignition key and the car started right up. "Wow!" the man exclaimed, "what did you put in my gas tank"?
3. You raid your small child's piggy bank but feel guilty as you count the money. You have the same number of dimes and quarters, totaling exactly $2.45. When you turn honest and put it back, how many of each coin will you need to replace? Answer
4. At the billiard hall there are three pool tables. The first table is set up to play 7 Ball, the second table is set up to play 8 Ball, and the third table is set up to play 9 Ball. What is the total number of balls on the three tables? Answer
October Metro Staff Thank you to the following for their contributions to this month's McCarty Metro
Bob Balch, Gerry Bufalini, Amanda McCarty, Austin McCarty, Brad McCarty Jerry McCarty, Kelly McCarty, Kristen McCarty, Larry McCarty, Margaret McCarty, Mike McCarty, Gwenda Perez, Millard Pickney, Chuck Pottenger, Denise Sidor, Mo & Bev VanWalleghm
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October Trivia Question
Here's an easy one. With Halloween right around the corner, what state has the most ghost towns in the US?
. Last Month's Answer
What is the common denominator between Hans Christian Andersen, Carol Burnett, Eric Clapton, James Earl Jones, Barry Manilow, Jack Nicholson, Lisa Marie Presley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Frank Sinatra, and Tiger Woods?
"They were all the only child in their family"
Congratulations To:
Jerry McCarty Sara Brookfield Buck Tufitti
ED NOTE: I had to disqualify Larry Wendt's entry who got it correct by saying "They never won the Guller"
OCTOBER QUESTION... What are your scariest movies of all-time?
Last month's results to the question: It is back to school time, what are/were your favorite subjects in school? .
Study Hall/Seminar *
Home Economics
PE/Gym/Square Dancing *
End Of The Day
Math *
Foreign Languages *
Music/Choir *
* = Received Multiple Votes
Where is Gull Lake? Is there any Sea Gulls there or has it been over run with McCarty's and Beer? -Kevin McCarty ED NOTE: Yeah. The second one.
Help! I need computer support. I mean low-tech computer emotional support. I have dial-up access to the Internet. My family says it is too slow and that I should enter this century. What do you think? -Mike ED NOTE: Michael, Michael, Michael. Don't worry, I am typing this answer really slow, so your dial-up can catch up until you. Enter into this century and get something faster. You can pretend that you are a Joel Zumaya fastball.
So Editor. Southwest Air kicks off this girl for what she's wearing, though I'm not seeing much difference in how she was dressed from how SWA's flight attendants dressed in the 70's. In fact I would say Kyla Ebbert looks more like a "Sunny California Girl", which I can not say about the 1970's flight attendants -Amanda McCarty ED NOTE: I agree whole-heartedly. Southwest Air has had a double standard dating back to the 1970's, and it all started when they let an shirtless Larry McCarty on board.
Ed... The Metro keeps getting better 'n' better. Don't know how you do it. Got a special kick out of "Up Chuck's Alley" and "Bev's Route." And the tribute to old men? Awesome! Keep up the good work. -Mike M. ED NOTE: The thanks goes out to Chuck, Bev, Jerry, Gwenda, yourself, and everyone that submits their work. They should all take a bow. I just slap it all together on the web.
Kelly, It's always so good to see you smiling... had a chance to look at the wedding pictures in the McCarty Metro. I greatly admire the consistency with which you publish the site. I wish you health and pain free days and miracles. I wish you reasons to smile and laugh. -Angela ED NOTE: Thanks Angela, and may God Bless you and Dennis.
Submit an interesting or funny caption for this picture .
Last Month's Captions
I do look good with a goatee Senator Larry Craig I presume "He He....come here and see what Weird Uncle Steve has in his pocket for you" "Hello...I'm Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC....Are you kissingcpa356 and what are you doing here?" Its all about the love Uncle Steve, your facial hair tickles just like my Dad's. Gee, Uncle Steve, when did you start working for Doubletree Hotel guest services? One day in TN and already robbing the cradle, batting for the other team and gettin a little too cozy with relatives. There is no bigger joy than a round butt boy There's just something about your cologne.... Kevin... You had me at "Hello"
Can you recognize our secret celebrity? .
Last Month's Celebrity Was....
George Clooney
Congratulations to: Karen Seeling, Erin Marion Kristen McCarty, Gwenda, Buck Tufitti, and Booch
Remember To Sotp And Take A Minute To Read The McCarty Metro!
Why do you have to "put your two cents in"... but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going?
Dumb Halloween Tricks
Pretend to be in a coma to see how long it takes your wife to pull the plug on you Soap your neighbor's Windows XP Wash and wax your neighbor's car, then pray for rain Tipping cows more than 15% Put aluminum foil orthodontic braces on the uneven teeth of neighborhood jack-o-lanterns Rotate the planters on your neighbor's porch so their perennials no longer receive proper Southern exposure Stand outside your neighbor's house and send them a blank email from your Palm Pilot... then run away before they can read it Pumpkin-pleasin' Play "Pin the tail on the hemophiliac." Personally verify that each trick-or-treater's costume is sufficiently flame-retardant Crank-call a lone teenaged girl at her house, and saying at the end, "My Name Is Mike McCarty"