3. What are these Christmas Songs? . 1. Happiness to the Global Ecosystem 2. Small male percussionist 3. I am pontificating of a colorless holiday 4. Festoon the Corridors 5. A Non-summer fairytale area 6. Oh holiday conifer 7. Ten plus two twenty-four hour periods of holiday festivity 8. Hey tiny city in Israel 9. In a remote location in a barn stall . Answers
4. What do you have in December that you don't have in any other month? Answer
This Issue's Writers / Contributors Thank you to the following for their contributions to this month's McCarty Metro
Allison Albrecht, Bob Balch, Mike Borelli, Gerry Bufalini Jerome Klotz, Austin McCarty, Brad McCarty Jerry McCarty, Kathlene McCarty, Kelly McCarty Kristen McCarty, Margaret McCarty, Megan McCarty Ron Patlewicz, Millard Pickney, Matt Scholl Denise Sidor, Larry Wendt, Amanda Westfall
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McCarty Metro Trivia
What famous musical group got their stage names from two executives at Liberty Records and their recording engineer? (hint... They've recorded a Christmas album
Last Month's Answer
What was the first city in the entire world that reached a population of 1,000,000 people? . " ROME " In 133 B. C.
Congratulations To:
Epic Fail Guy
. DECEMBER'S QUESTION... What are your New Year's resolutions for 2008? .
Last month's question: Even though the Presidential election is still 1 year away, if it WERE held today, who would you vote for?
Ladies & Gentlemen... The votes have been counted. The hanging chads have been examined, and I would like to announce the next President Of The United States of America...
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Dear Editor, I just love the cat and the dog up in the right hand corner of the November issue. How did you get them to dress up and stand erect? -Gwenda ED NOTE: Oh. That actually was the easy part. The hard part was killing them and stuffing them.
. Congrats to Steve-O on the 40 under 40. -A fan ED NOTE: We at the Metro are quite proud too. The fan part though... ummm... Not so much!
. Kudos to the coverage of my favorite son-in-law, Steve McCarty, and his well deserved recognition as one of Crain's 40 under 40 (even though he just slid in under the wire). -Gail Toner ED NOTE: Get real.... He's your ONLY son-in-law. And the people at his work thinks he turned 40 last year. .
Ed. I forget the name of the show ... Merket Manor, something like that ... it's some show about desert dwelling rodents that reminds me a lot of the McCarty's growing up. Do we have grounds for a legal battle? The rat on the right has a rock up his butt -Larry ED NOTE: What the 'H' 'E' double toothpicks are you talking about?
Dear Editor, I have recently found myself addicted to Kid Nation.......! Which one of your brothers do you wish you could have sent off to do the show? -Gwenda ED NOTE: Gwenda meet Larry.... Larry meet Gwenda!
Kelly... STOP IT... YOU'RE HURTING THE FAMILY! -A Mc in distress ED NOTE: ME STOP IT??? Have you read some of these questions???
Dear Editor. When will we hear from our Baghdad correspondent? -Eddie Stein
ED NOTE: Our correspondent Osama McLaden has fled to the mountains of Tora Bora. We should be reading his rants in an article marked for 2008 entitled "Pull Up An Afghani, And I'll Tell You A Tale".
Submit an interesting or funny caption for this picture .
Last Month's Captions
At least there is no banjo in his hands 99 bottles of beer on the wall 99 bottles of beer. For tonight's entertainment we have Steve on the nose horn & Kelly flipping everyone off anna one, anna two... psst, what song are we doing again? They must be a band. They're all dress the same "Who's that I see walkin in the woods..." Does anyone know what those bus-boys are doing on stage? DoIhear50dollars? Who'llgiveme50,50, 50 for these two studs? OK, how about 40 dollars? Anyone? OK, 35? Big Mike - looks like you got some cabbage growing out of that ear!
When you stop believing in Santa Claus is when you start getting clothes for Christmas.
Can you recognize our secret celebrity? .
Last Month's Celebrity Was....
. Congratulations to:
Ryan & Missy
McCarty Metro
According to a survey by the Scott Paper Company:
* You can gauge a person's education by whether they read in the bathroom. More than 2/3 of the people with a master's degree and doctorates read in the stall. Only one in two high school grads read while in the bathroom, and 56 percent of those with college degrees do.
* 54% of Americans fold their toilet tissue neatly while 35 percent wad it into a ball before using it.
* 7% steal rolls of toilet paper (hotels/motels)
* More than 60% prefer that their toilet paper roll over the top, 29% from the bottom, and the other 11% are McCarty's and prefer to use the paper edition of the McCarty Metro.
OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS - Shiite Pet Get the little terrorist on your list one for the holidays.
Get the windows tinted. Buy some fur for the dash. Gain weight, at least 30 pounds. Didn't mom always say I was a bit skinny. Cut down on exercise. Too much is bad for my health, it can even kill me!!! Watch more TV. It's educational!! Catch up on all those programs I missed down the years. Draw up a list of people who I need to get even with... And then GET EVEN! Drink more. Benjamin Franklin said, beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Don't date any of the Baywatch cast. Work less. Take it easy. All work and no play can make Earl a dull boy. Don't jump off a cliff just because everyone else did My personal goal: BRING BACK DISCO!
Don't be surprised if somewhere, some day, when you least expect it, someone comes up to you and says... .